Thank you for signing up and being open to seeing what the Lord will do in and through us over the next few months!  Below are details on what we are doing and why. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

The Heart

The heart of dinner clubs is to share in the life of Jesus as we share our life in Jesus over a shared meal. We know, that's a lot of sharing! 

From all that sharing, we have two goals with Dinner Clubs. The first is that our bond as a faith family would be strengthened as we better understand the stories of those we might not know so well. The second is that others outside our faith family would discover what we have found: life in Jesus with one another. 

We are genuinely excited to see what the Lord will do as we offer our homes (or at least our calendars), our tables, and ourselves to one another for our good and His glory! 

The Expectations 

We have four simple expectations for Dinner Clubs. 

1. THREE MEALS OVER FOUR MONTHS | (Oct-Jan) It is now up to you as a "club" to coordinate together to get the dates on the calendar. 

2. TALK ABOUT JESUS AT THE TABLE | While you can do this in all sorts of ways, it would be best to have a plan/structure to ensure that the meal doesn't fly by without any significant mention of Jesus. Here is a simple structure: 

  • Pre-Dinner Prayer | The host/organizer prays before the meal, giving thanks for what Jesus has brought together. 

  • Mid-Dinner Story | After the meal gets going and people are introduced, the host/organizer says something like, "Part of the reason we are here is to encourage each other in Jesus, specifically that we are here because Jesus has found us and led us here. Here is a bit of my/our story of how we found that Jesus was finding us..." then share how you came to follow Jesus, to find Christ City, to be in your vocation, meet your spouse as you followed Jesus, etc. 

  • End-of-Dinner Prayer | Before the meal concludes, the host/organizer prays a blessing over the "club." 

3. EVERYONE HOSTS/ORGANIZES | While the group will need to agree upon the dates, each meal should then be hosted or organized by a different club member so that each family/person is leading out on one meal. 


4. INVITE A NON-FAITH FAMILY MEMBER | The host/organizer of that particular meal will prayerfully and courageously invite someone who is not a part of our faith family to attend the dinner. If your invitation is turned down (which it might be!), be sure to take time at the dinner to pray with "the club" for the person(s) you invited and for future opportunities and open hearts. Remember, the heart is to share together what God has given us, including those who He has put us around so that they might find Him. 

The Freedom 

  • You can "eat out" or make it a post-gathering lunch or Saturday brunch club! 

  • You can eat at the same house each time, as long as everyone shares the work of hosting/organizing when it is their meal. 

  • Non-hosts/organizers can bring others, but only if they ask the host first. Hosts can say no, especially if space and resources are limited. 

  • You can meet more than three times and have all your dinners in less than four months. 

  • Don't get hung up on the "ideal. " Keep the heart in mind and go with what works to get the meals on everyone's calendars! 

If you have arrived at this page and have not yet signed up for a Dinner Club (but would like to), please complete the form below: