Listen Up!

Dear Faith Family,

One of my favorite parables of Jesus was titled by one pastor simply, Manure. "put on manure," says the main character of Jesus' story, "Tend the soil and add a little stinky fertilizer, then we'll see what fruit will come."

Don't let the rather vivid simplicity of this parable fool you. This short story found in Luke 13:1-9 is profoundly revelatory. Through the words of Jesus, how we believe God acts towards us and others...and how he actually responds to our assumptions all come to light. 

Don't believe me? Then take a listen. Seriously, listen up to Chaz as he helps us enter into the words of the Word. It's well worth your time. 

After you listen to the story, let me encourage you to do one more thing this week: ADDRESS THE VINEDRESSER. 

"he said to the vinedresser..." 
(Luke 13:7)

ASK | What or whom am I giving up on? What calling,  situation, or person seems like a waste of space and energy. Whether in the unuttered quiet of your heart or in the cries of your prayers, what "fruitless fig" are you asking/believing/telling God you've given up on?

LISTEN | Once you've discovered and named the apparent fruitless and resource-sucking "tree" in your life, just as the landowner in the story does, listen to the Vinedesser's response. Then, let the Vinedresser continue His cultivation a little longer. 

May we be people who listen up, seeing the fruit of our Father's persistent patience in us and those we are ready to give up on. 

Love you, faith family! God bless. 

Where Your Treasure Is...And How To Find It

Dear Faith Family,

When I take the time and put in the effort to "meditate" on the words of Jesus, I am rarely disappointed in what I receive. Regardless of my familiarity with the specific passage, there seems to be in the Person whom they reveal a bottomless depth of new beauty, wonder, and majesty; as well as a never-dry well of always timely wisdom for daily living. 

While there is nothing novel in my observations, and perhaps the sentiment is a rather frustrating Christian cliche for some, the wealth of the Word is ancient truth: 

The revelation of God is whole
    and pulls our lives together.
The signposts of God are clear
    and point out the right road.
The life-maps of God are right,
    showing the way to joy.
The directions of God are plain
    and easy on the eyes.
God’s reputation is twenty-four-carat gold,
    with a lifetime guarantee.
The decisions of God are accurate
    down to the nth degree.

God’s Word is better than a diamond,
    better than a diamond set between emeralds.
You’ll like it better than strawberries in spring,
    better than red, ripe strawberries.

There’s more: God’s Word warns us of danger
    and directs us to hidden treasure.

(Ps. 19:7-11) 

But here is the caveat, as sure as a discovery of riches is, rarely do I uncover gold in the first shovel strike. More often than not, the wealth of a passage or parable, like ours from Sunday, comes into sight slowly and long after my scheduled "quiet time."

If I am being honest, only occasionally does a morning devo, study, or even Lectio, unveil both encounter and epiphany. Rather, the revelation of riches gradually appears in unanticipated appearances of the passage in daily living. The truth peaks out in interactions with Deedra and the kids. The signposts come into clarity while working my way through my "To Do" list. Hidden treasure paying dividends in coffee shop conversations and scheduled meetings. The better-than tasted on the commute from "A to B" and back again.

These are where the Word becomes life for me most often. It starts with a willingness to enter the words of Jesus, to open ourselves to Him in those disciplined moments. And then to enter again and again when our minds connect the current moment to the Word. Even when the glimmer appears at the least expected and the most inopportune times! 

I've come to believe that the treasure of meditating on God's word is experienced in these life moments. These moments when Jesus becomes "a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Ps. 119:105). 

So, for the remainder of this week, let's do a little digging. Prayerfully and slowly read Jesus' words in Luke 12:13-21. Feel free to listen to Sunday's Gathering here if you need a little context. Then, go about your day. But, whenever something from the story comes into your mind, you should pay attention to that thought in the context of your activity. Be open to insights, convictions, and connections when you least expect them by not moving too quickly past them. When appropriate, speak them. When not, hold on to them and return to them in a quiet moment. Doing so is how we delight and meditate on the Word day and night (Ps. 1:2). 

May we be people whose words from our mouths and meditations of our hearts reflect the wealth of those "rich toward God." 

Love you, faith family! God bless. 

Where To Go From Here

Dear Faith Family,

In every generation throughout history, there are those whose conviction and (sometimes) vocation is to speak of God to the community, to show us who God is and how we can know God. While carrying a variety of titles throughout the centuries--from priest to Pharisee, pastor to scribe, elder to counselor, professor to prophet, etc.--the influence of these revealers upon lives and understanding of faith is no less significant today as it was in the first century. Perhaps the pervasiveness and potential impact of their influence are why Jesus was regularly direct (and as his ministry drew to a close, rather harsh!) with those in this group during his day.

Imagine being someone genuinely seeking God, whose understanding and access to God are controlled by these communally responsible and respectable persons. Now, imagine listening to Jesus depose those same persons: "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven [life with God] in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in." (Matt. 24:13).

How would you respond to Jesus' grief-filled condemnation? What emotions and questions would run through you? 

What you'd feel, do, and think might vary depending on your experience with these persons--how they treated you, what sort of respect they carried in your upbringing, how much you'd bought into their way, etc. But regardless, you'd probably wonder where you are to go from here. With the foundation of faith influencers shaken, who are you to look to know God? How are you to gain access to Him? 

The straightforward answer to your questions, the answer those in earshot of the deposing would learn over the coming days and weeks, and the answer those walking in their footsteps throughout the following millennia have learned is: Jesus, crucified and alive

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days, God has spoken to us by His Son...He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of God's nature...After making purification for sins the Son sat down at the right hand of the Majesty of high.
(Heb. 1:1-3) 

When we wonder who God is and how we can know him, we break the bread and drink the wine (or juice!) in remembrance of God's love and His opening for us the way into life with Him. The answer really is that straightforward and clear, no matter what else has been spoken to us. When we see who Jesus is--the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of God's nature--God speaks to us of Himself. And what better foundation for faith is there? 

Not all those whose conviction and/or vocation is to speak of God to others miss Jesus. Some see Jesus clearly. Like Nicodemus, for example, who came to recognize in Jesus' life God's self-revelation (see Jn. 3, & 19). Or some of the "devout men from every nation under heaven" who came to see Jesus dying and alive again as the way to God (see Acts 2). And when, like them, our eyes clearly see God in Jesus, we too can speak of God to others. 

No one lights a lamp, then hides it in a drawer. It’s put on a lamp stand so those entering the room have light to see where they’re going.

Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. 

Keep your eyes open, your lamp burning, so you don’t get musty and murky. Keep your life as well-lighted as your best-lighted room so those entering can find their way too.
(Lk. 11:33-36) 

May we be persons who enter the kingdom of heaven ourselves and shine a light so others can find their way in too. 

Love you, faith family! God bless. 

Praying Like Lions

Dear Faith Family,

Certain circumstances compel us to pray. While we may or may not be accustomed to everyday conversations with our heavenly Father, two particular conditions drive us to plead our case no matter our daily habits: experience of evil and future aspirations.

We all experience the evil in our world. Whether the sin is perpetrated against us or others (like those in Uvalde, Ukraine, and in so many unnamed places), these experiences evoke a variety of responses. From fear to grief, anger to heartache, disgust to desperation. And, as we learned through Lent, in the depths of these experiences, we both cry out (i.e., pray) and find that we are heard and held.

"GOD met me more than halfway; he freed me from my anxious fears...When I was desperate, I called out, and GOD got me out of a tight spot...GOD keeps an eye on his friends; his ears pick up their cries...Is anyone crying for help? GOD is listening, ready to rescue...If your heart is broken, you'll find GOD right there; if you're kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath...The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth."

(Ps. 34:4,6,15,17-18,16)

When we experience evil, we pray. Every one of us. But that's not the only time when every one of us prays. We also pray when we can see glimpses of our future. Clouds of complacency lift, fogginess of fatigue dissipate, and our vision is clarified with aspirations of redemption for all that life could or might or will be. Here too, we pray with hopes for tomorrow in the security of God's goodness. 

"Who out there has a lust for life? Can't wait each day to come upon beauty?...Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see--how good GOD is. Blessed [already happy] are you who run to him. GOD pays for each slave's freedom; no one who runs to him loses out." 
(Ps. 34:12,8,22) 

Whether in response to evil or in anticipation of the future, we all pray. And you know what is fantastic, praying in such circumstances, knowing you’ve been heard, your desires known, your petition accepted, your person welcomed, we learn to pray with boldness and vigor.

"Look at him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him...GOD's angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray...He's your bodyguard, shielding every bone; not even a finger gets broken." 
(Ps. 34:5,7,20) 

You could say we pray like young lions in search of our prey. Full of confidence and strength, there is no doubt that what we seek, we will find...and take hold of it--whether justice or success. At least that's what the psalmist in the middle of this "all-of-us-prayer" seems to think!  

"Young lions on the prowl suffer want, get hungry, 
but GOD-seekers are full of GOD, lacking no good thing." 

(Ps. 34:10)

The psalmist, not wanting to temper our passion or courage even a single degree, refocuses our zeal towards its effective goal: “seeking GOD.” No matter what compels us to pray, our aim is nothing less than life with God, God himself. And, as Jesus taught us, when our vigor and confidence are thus focused, we’ll get what we are after: 

"And don't you think the Father who conceived you in love will give the Holy Spirit when you ask him...when you pray!"
(Lk. 11:13) 

May we pray like focused lions this week and always. Tasting, seeing, and sharing the goodness of God over evil and in our future. Love you, faith family! God bless. 

The Heart of The Question

Dear Faith Family,

Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when Jesus finished, one of his disciples said to Jesus, 'Lord, teach us to pray as John taught his disciples.'
(Luke 11:1)

"teach us to pray" is a relatively simple request, don't you think? Praying, after all, is something everyone does at some point in life, whether they believe in God or gods or nothing much at all. 

Yet Jesus heard in the disciple's elementary question an honest hunger for something more than a religious routine or doctrinal description. Something fundamentally more genuine. Something more abundant. Something more akin to "the good portion" (Lk. 10:42) over a moral obligation. Something elemental to Jesus' own life--the source of his power, joy, and fullness. 

And so, Jesus responds with nothing less than model words, but also with something more. Jesus heard in his friend's request a desire for what Jesus had, life with a good good Father. 

In his prayer, parable, and poem (Lk. 11:1-13), Jesus invites us into the life he shares. A life of God with him, God for him. God giving, revealing, and welcoming. 

Jesus taught his friends to pray with his same character and expectations. But Jesus also shows us how we too can invite others into the heart of their desires. To listen to them and speak to them, inviting them to ask and receive, seek and find, knock and be welcomed.

What if we were to listen to our children this way? Our spouse? Our roommate? Coworker, boss, neighbor, or friend? What if their most elementary question or comment about faith or spirituality or hurt or need was met not with rehearsed words but with an invitation to speak straightforwardly with a good good Father and Friend. What if we, like Jesus, recognized their honest desire and, like Jesus, believed "the Father who conceived them in love will give the Holy Spirit when they ask him?" (Lk. 11:13) 

So this week, think about what Jesus' recognizes and how he responds to his friend's elementary request. I know I will be! And then together, let's be ready to invite others into the life we share with Jesus. 

Love you, faith family! God bless. 

Answering the Call

Dear Faith Family,

Cohen and I awoke Sunday morning to the gentle sound of the Brazos River flowing a few feet from our tent. Having traversed nearly nine miles via canoe, survived the unrelenting heat, and exasperated our energy swimming, exploring, and playing the previous day, the surprising coolness and quietness of the morning crafted for us a welcoming sanctuary.  

Within an hour or so, the sun would dissipate the refreshing reprieve, and the efforts of packing up camp and returning to the canoe for the home stretch of our journey would distract from the tranquility of our organic worship. Nevertheless, for a few moments between the rigors and pleasures of the days business, we found ourselves a part of the world's worship. 

The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the expanse proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard. 

(Psalm 19:1-3) 

While we cannot awake every morning on a river's bank, we nevertheless have opportunities each day, between the rigors and pleasures of living, to find ourselves a part of the worshiping world. Whether during a quiet moment over a coffee cup before the house's occupants fill the silence, or amid the motion of a daily commute, or in the unplanned stillness of tasks finished early or a meeting running late, there is an ever-welcoming sanctuary awaiting our attention...if only we look and listen. 

We don't wake each day in a different world from the one Cohen and I found ourselves in this weekend. This morning, I did not step out of bed into a world less alive, less full of the wonders of God's creation and grace. And neither did you. 

But, what we do is turn on the t.v., turn up the podcast, and turn on to the next task or email rather than looking out the window or at a face of God's wonder and grace, and so miss the call to worship. 

I'd certainly encourage you to get out of the city and into the worship of the woods, "the peace of wild things," this summer if you get a chance. The effort is worth the soul's refreshment. But even more so, I'd encourage you to periodically turn off the distractions, look around you, and recognize where you are: in a world of God's wonder and grace calling you into worship. 

Love you, faith family! God bless. 

Praying From The Source

Dear Faith Family,

The source of Jesus' spontaneous, exuberant exchange with the Father, found in Luke 10:21-22, was not assured authority and power (10:17-19), but rather persevering and affection loyalty (10:20). The same is true for you and me. The source of joy overflowing is not in what we can control, master, or exercise authority over. Instead, it is in the ever-loyal love of the One to whom we belong. 

As we discovered on Sunday, Jesus' prayer sounds a lot like the prayer of Psalm 131. A prayer spilling over with joyous contentment as the psalmist encounters rest in the freeing, every-loyal, mother-like love of God. A prayer that can help you and me speak like Jesus too. 

So today my friends, take a few moments to let yourself sink into the fount from which life and words for life overflow. I've provided a little guide below to help you do so. 


The Message translates the first part of Psalm 131 this way:

God, I’m not trying to rule the roost,
    I don’t want to be king of the mountain.
I haven’t meddled where I have no business
    or fantasized grandiose plans.

I’ve kept my feet on the ground,
    I’ve cultivated a quiet heart.

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, let go of the weight of ambition, the anxiousness of control, and the arrogance of busyness. Confess to God that you are not him, that the source of your joy is not what you have authority and power over, and allow your feet to be grounded in His presence and your heart to be quiet in Him.  Focus your attention on Him and be with Him.

The psalm concludes with these words: 

Like a weaned child content in its mother’s arms,
my soul is a child content.
Wait, Israel, those who wrestle with God and live.
Wait for God.
Wait with hope.
Hope now; hope always!

Now set a timer for 3 minutes.

Then, take a deep breath
, and as you breathe in, pray: “Like a child…" and as you breathe out: “… I am content in You…”

As thoughts come, anxieties rise, and distractions pull you away from being still in the presence of God, return your mind’s attention and your heart’s affection to who and whose you are through the breathed prayer.

When the timer ends, respond. Whatever thoughts remain, whatever emotions discovered, whatever is relieved or given; "spontaneously" pray what has been revealed by the Son to the Father in the Spirit. 

Then, go, and live like an empowered and forever loved child of God. 

Searching For The Words

Dear Faith Family,

Do you ever have issues with your language? Not the occasional use of colorful descriptors (insert winking emoji!), so much as finding the correct words for a particular conversation--whether at work, with your spouse or children, and especially about God. 

It may come as a shock, especially from one whose vocation is so word-oriented, but I often do not know what words to use in ordinary and eternal conversations. Struggling to find the right phrase or question, the conversation putters around on the surface, failing to go into the depths of person or Presence that words allow. Have you ever similarly struggled?

I know that my issue isn't everyone's. In fact, I know there are those with a verbal proclivity equivalent to the Niagra Falls! Nevertheless, the truth is, whether struggling to get out the words or second-guessing the words that get out, we all experience the endeavor of language that cultivates communion and conversion. 

Good thing for us, the One who is "the Word" has a fix for our language issues. Ironically, the solution has nothing to do with getting the verbiage right but rather what we treasure.  

Jesus, speaking directly to his disciples while amid a multitude, says, 

"The good person out of the good treasure of the [their] heart produces good and the evil person out of [their] evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart [the] mouth speaks.
(Luke 6:45)

If we want to use words well, regardless if our struggle is finding any words or using too many before we find the right ones, Jesus says the solution is to have a heart that stores up "good treasure." 

What is "good treasure"? Well, Jesus answered that question too. The joy of every deep desire satisfied in life with God,  a life in step with who we are in Him (Luke 6:20-22). When our hearts are full of such goodness, the right words flow out. 

So the only question left is, "How do our hearts go about getting this treasure?" Well, once again, Jesus' words make clear the way: 

"Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh."
(Luke 6:20-211) 

A humility that keeps us needy of another's help, a hunger for life that keeps us coming to the source of Life himself, a hurt felt at those things which make life less than whole is all that is required for our hearts to receive the "Blessed" good treasure. 

So this week, let's open our hearts to the good treasure of God with us, God for us, God in us. And from a place of neediness, hunger, and even hurt, speak words that bring life, "produce good," in our homes, offices, and neighborhoods. 

Love you, faith family! God bless.

A Wrestling Faith

Dear Faith Family,

Have you ever struggled with the difference between what you believe is true and what you observe to be true? If so, you're not alone. In fact, if we are honest, as honest as the psalmist of Psalm 73, we could freely admit that living by faith in Jesus, in the way of Jesus, sometimes feels like the wrong way to live. Especially as we look around at what is required to obtain the good of life.

The truth is, we all experience the disconnect between what we confess and what we can see. Between the confession "Truly God is good to His people, those whose hearts are singularly focused on Him" (Ps. 73:1) and the evident "prosperity of the self-interested" (Ps. 73:3).

Our problem is that we are not always comfortable enough with God or one another to be as honest as the psalmist. Rather than admitting our struggle of faith, we press on in the obligations of faith, growing embittered and brutish towards God and others (Ps. 73:21-22) as the Word and the world appear to line up less and less. Or, we put faith to the side, pulling it out when we need to be comforted but not employing it for any practical use (Ps. 73:10-11). But embittered religion or apathetic acculturation are not our only options. There is another way through the struggles of faith.

Psalm 73 is a post-Easter psalm. Like you and I today, the psalmist has pilgrimaged through the valley of death's shadows and is ready for the new life, a different world on the other side in "the dwelling of the LORD" (Ps. 23). And like us, the psalmist has discovered that the promised land of resurrection doesn't look all that different!

But unlike us, the psalmist neither begrudgingly holds to belief nor pragmatically sets it aside; rather, the psalmist wrestles...with God!

The candidness of the psalmist is not a wrestle to hold on to faith in important propositions but rather a wrestle with the One in whom he has faith. After all, like all psalms, this psalm is a prayer: genuine words spoken to and with an intimate God. The psalmist assumes that the contradictions he observes and feels are only cleared up in communion even while doubting,

"But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task; until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I saw the whole picture."
(Ps. 73:16-17)

Instead of denying his doubt or dismissing the practicality of his faith, the psalmist grabbed hold of the only sure thing, God's relationship/presence with him. And, like his forefather Jacob (see Gen. 32), the psalmist discovered that wrestling with God clears up faith's sight :

"Nevertheless, I am continually with You...You hold my right hand...You guide me with Your counsel...You receive me to glory...
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion, the one who does friendship forever."
(Ps. 73:23-26)

So faith family, as we continue into the Easter lands, "the land of the living" (Ps. 116:9), and encounter the struggles of faith, let us live up to our namesake, and be ones who "wrestle with God...and who prevail" (Gen. 32:28), so that we too might "see God face to face" (Gen. 32:30).

Love you, faith family! God bless.

A Little More Easter?!

Dear Faith Family,

On Sunday, we stood together with nearly a billion fellow Jesus followers and declared in song and scripture and sacrament: "We are dead to sin and alive to God. That’s what Jesus did!" (Rom. 6:11)

We are dead to all those actions, attitudes, affections, and even adversaries, that suffocate true life. No longer are we bound, imprisoned, entombed by that which decays life. Rather, we are free to roam in "the land of the living"! Alive to God because we've gone through death with Jesus! Or, in the Spirit-filled words of the apostle Paul,

I have been crucified with Christ [dying to sin as He died for our sins]. It is n longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
(Gal. 2:2)

For "the Church," Sunday was a planned public reminder of this world (re)creating moment that grounds our faith. Yet, every morning since that first Easter morning, including this morning, we who are loved by the Son who gave His life so that His life might be our life, should awake to declare afresh: "I am dead to sin and alive to God. That's what Jesus did!"

Try it. Right now, wherever you are reading this email. Take a deep breath and, out loud or in your heart, declare: "I am dead to sin and alive to God. That's what Jesus did!"

Now let the truth of Jesus' affection, attitude, and actions for you settle on you for a moment. Envision the remainder of your day lived free from sin. Unbound by actions, attitudes, and affections that take life rather than cultivate flouring. Freedom not because you are trying hard, but because Jesus "will destroy all the adversaries of my soul" (Ps. 143:12). See yourself entering every interaction and responsibility set before you, whether mundane or pivotal, as one who is dead to sin (your own and that of others) and alive to God with you, for you, in you. Then get on with the day, enabling faith to come into life.

And then tomorrow, repeat this Easter exercise: DECLARE-- ENVISION -- ENABLE FAITH! And keep repeating until every morning becomes an Easter morning as we follow Jesus deeper and deeper into the life of God.

Love you, faith family! God bless.

Out of Lenten Lands

Dear Faith Family,

It's hard to believe that our pilgrimage through the season of Lent is nearing our destination. The downward journey we began some thirty-plus days ago, following Jesus into the depths of the death of (old) self and sin, has us ascending with Jesus into life best described as "free." 

Psalm 130 led us to this final lesson of Lent, that dying to (old) self and sin is being set free from the things and ways of life that imprison us. So, as we make the final turn out of the shadowy valleys of death to the green pastures of life whole and holy in God, take some time this week to thank our Father for your freedom. Consider what ways of thinking, believing, and behaving have/are changing. What fears, anxieties, and ambitions have/are being reoriented. The signs of resurrection, new life, in your relationship with God and others you are seeing. 

Remember, that's what we "watch people" do, keep a trusting, clear out for the breaking of dawn in our lives and one another's. Waiting and hoping in the LORD! "For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is plenteous redemption." (Ps. 130:7). 

Your loving spirit led me forth, my bonds
Were broken, and I took the pilgrim path
Towards your Easter, out of Lenten lands. 

(Malcolm Guite)

Calling for 'A Family Talk'

Dear Faith Family,

Whenever a parent says, "We need to have a family talk," usually there is something weighty to discuss. Rarely does a formal family conversation get called to choose a paint color for little Billy's room or what meals will make the rotation in the coming week. On occasion, the family talk might be primarily positive, like where to go on summer vacation. But most of the time, as is our case today, the conversation is spurred by something or some things a bit more serious. 

First things first, the opening verses of Psalm 102 are the community calling for "a family talk."

Hear my prayer, O LORD; 
let my cry come to you! 
Do not hide your face from me; 
in the day of my distress! 
Incline your ear to me; 
answer me speedily in the day when I call! 
(Ps. 102: 1-2) 

While these verses might not sound like a dad calling everyone to the living room couch, they've been heard as such by God's people for millennia. These two verses are repeated throughout the Psalms (39:12, 54:2, 61:1, 64:4, to name a few) and are the community's way of clarifying that it's time to talk to God one another. The verses that follow reveal the weighty nature of the conversation: death and life. 

As we discussed on Sunday, verses 3-11 get the conversation started as we share our experience of dying to (old) self and sin. The pain, unease, and loneliness we feel through the exposure and letting go of that which is less than true life, while particularly felt by us, is universally shared by all of us. We are not alone in our dying. We've all--including Jesus--felt death's sting, and we get to remind each other of this truth at the moment when we need to hear it (and repeat it!) the most. 

But our family talk does not end at death; it continues onto life anew. Verses 12-22 shift the conversation to life after death. Resurrection is serious talk. Talk of God's power and his compassion. Talk of his glory in our presence and across all the world. Talk of the end of imprisonment and the beginning of real and forever freedom. We share our experience of how God has/is changing us so that we never forget what reality truly shapes our daily existence. 

So, call a family talk this week! Make arrangements to share your dying and share of our rising with your spouse or roommate, your Gospel Community or DNA, your kids, co-worker, neighbor, or friend. Remember that such conversations take place,

"for a generation to come,
so that a people yet (re)created
may praise the LORD
(Ps. 102:18) 

What To Consider At The End

Dear Faith Family,

The famed scholar of the psalms, Walter Brueggemann, once wrote, 

"The Bible is not interested in making lists of what is acceptable, as much as it is interested in transformational intentionality."

What spurred the Old Testament Professor's comment was his observation of apparently contradictory passages in our psalm from Sunday. The confusion begins with the psalmist's discovery of what God does and doesn't want from us--which is something we all want to know, right! 

For you will not delight in [atoning] sacrifice, or I would give it;
you will
not be pleased with a [peace] offering. 
The sacrifices of God are broken and contrite spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. 

(Psalm 51:16-17) 

So, according to the psalmist, God is not so much interested in our ritual and religious acts done to make restorations for our sin or pacify His frustration with us. Instead, God wants only a spirit and heart that breaks when our relationship with him is askew. Great! God doesn't want me to do all those "religious" things--sacrifices, offerings, going to church, daily prayers, reading my bible, etc. What He really wants is for me to take our relationship seriously so that when I offend it, I feel the pain of wounding a loved one. 

This passage is quite modern! It checks all the boxes of generations moving away from religious structures. Here, it seems is no religion, just a relationship. But then the psalm continues and seems to contradict itself. 

Do good in Zion in your good pleasure; 
build up the walls of Jerusalem; 
then will
you delight in right sacrifices, 
in [peace] offerings and whole burnt offerings
then bulls will be offered on your altar.

(Psalm 51:18-19)

Wait a minute. I thought the psalmist said God will not delight in sacrifices and offerings? Yet here, the Psalm seems to say that God does delight in sacrifice and offerings--even adding more ritual examples of what God finds acceptable! So, which is it? Does God want me to do "religious" things or not? 

It is easy in a season like Lent, where we are invited to do more "religious" things like fasting weekly, praying the Examen regularly, entering into Lectio Divina rhythmically, etc., to lose sight of why we are doing these things.

Perhaps, we think that in doing them--or any number of "Christian" activities--God will be pleased with us. And God's pleasure, after all, leads to the good things we are after in life, whether spiritually, emotionally, or even physically. Or maybe, subconsciously, we do them because we hope that doing so makes us a little better. Maybe even making up for some of the ways in which we are not who we want to be.  

Here, just as we begin the final leg of our pilgrimage, the psalmist leads us to consider the intentionality of our interactions with God. The psalm's end is not to get us to ask, "What does God want?" but rather, "Why am I doing what I'm doing?"  

The life we after through Lent--a favored life, forgiven, clean, whole, and new--is given to us, being formed within us. That's what verses 6-12 of Psalm 51 testify. God delights in the wholeness of our life in Him and in showing us how to live wisely (v.6). He has, is, and will purge, clean, wash (v.7), open ears to gladness, mend bones to dance (v. 8), not go hunting for sins but rather blot out iniquities (v.9), create a clean heart, renew a steadfast spirit (v. 10), not remove His presence but fill with His Spirit (v.11), restore joy, and exuberantly uphold life (v. 12). After such a list, what is there left for us to do?! 

Our "sacrifices" and "offerings" during the Lenten season are not efforts to earn favor or make amends. Jesus has already done that for us. The intention of our "religious" practices has been transformed at the depth of our inability to truly live (v. 3-5). No, we do these things because we desire to daily life more and more in sync with His goodness, purpose, and presence. Life as people who know and are known for the truth of who and Whose we are (v. 13-15).

So, faith family, let us take a moment to consider your intentions during this journey through the Lent season. Freed from attempting to do what only God can do (and has done!), may our practices do what they are meant to: help us walk in step with the Way so that others might do the same. 

Out of sheer generosity, He put us in right standing with Himself.
A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in
and restored us to where He always wanted us to be.
And He did it by means of Jesus Christ. 

(Romans 3:24)

Love you, faith family! God bless.

Speeding Our Arrival

Dear Faith Family,

The season of Lent may be the most antithetical to our human nature, not to mention our cultural values! This is understandable, of course. Throughout Lent, we are invited repeatedly to die--to let go of the old self and sin. Yet, day in and day out, we spend most of our living trying to stay off death!

The paradox of asking the living to enter the tomb willfully is demonstrated most poignantly in the days before we return "ashes to ashes." Before we kick off our pilgrimage through death's shadows, in Carnival and Mardi Gras (and their many imitations), we grab all that we can desire out of living! 

While most of us probably do not participate (at least not wholeheartedly!)  in these pre-Lenten parties, we also do not get too excited about giving up life--even if it is just a particular part for a specified time. Psalm 38, as we saw Sunday, gives voice to these struggles of letting go of life, of self and sin.

The voice is not so much a protest of dying nor its glorification. The psalmist loves life, and as an honest lover, does not hide the repugnant discomforts of dying. Rather than bemoaning or beckoning death, the voice of the psalm guides us through the rocky terrain of "the downward movement of the soul" from life to grave. Walking us through the struggles to cling to life and into the place we must all arrive if we are to find life new. 

In the first nine verses, the psalmist voices our desire for life and the pangs we experience as the life we know gives way to its end. Then, with heart panting to a finish, strength failing, the light of the eyes gone out, the psalmist's hearing fails; he's deaf to the voices within and without exhorting him to stay upright. Even his power of speech fades. He's mute, finally unable to offer a rebuke for the loss of life (Ps. 38:10-14). Here, at "the bottom of human helplessness," is where the psalmist has been leading us. The place we all must go, the grave of our old self and sin. And here, the psalmist does the only thing the dying can do: embrace death...and wait for life after. 

No more struggling with God (v. 1-2) and self (v. 3-8) to keep a broken life as it is. No more expecting others to rescue (v. 11) nor excuses because of the enemy's traps (v. 12). Here, the psalmist embraces death, entrusting even death to the Giver of Life:

"for you, O LORD, do I is you who will answer.
I am ready to fall...I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for sin."
(Ps. 38:15-18)

The grave is where we arrive, the place we must reach, even if we tend to do everything to delay our arrival! Praise God, like Jesus, our stay in the tomb won't be for too long!

"all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death...buried…with order that, just as Christ...we too might walk in newness of life." (Rom. 6:3-4)

So this week, as we enter the psalms through our Lenten practice of Lectio Divina, let's start praying for a speedy arrival. In the first movement of the practice, replace the "centering prayer" with this adapted Lenten prayer for the Orthodox tradition. And, when your mind wanders and your spirit wains in the struggle, come back to the prayer embracing death so that you might really live!

O Lord and Giver of my life!
Take from me the spirit of avoidance,
which keeps me from following Jesus into my grave.
Take from me the spirit of faint-heartedness,
despair that speaks the lies that the grave is where I'll stay.
Take from me the lust of power
that would have me fight to keep what is mine
rather than receive what is yours.
And, Father, take from me foolish talk,
letting my confession be without self-deceit.

May you find that in the dark depths of the death of sin, "night is bright as the day," for even here, His hand will lead and comfort (Ps. 139:8-12).

Love you, faith family! God bless.

Just Take A Deep Breath!

Dear Faith Family,

By now, it's clear that through the Lenten season and accompanying practices, we are invited to die. A daunting invitation, no doubt! Yet, when embraced, we soon find ourselves not alone and confined, but instead surrounded by a host of others following Jesus along the road to cross and tomb expectant that will share in what comes after. "For," as the apostle Paul points out,

"one who has died has been set free from sin...if we have died with Christ...we will also live with him...he died to sin...he lives to God...consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."
(Romans 6:7-11). 

Living "free from sin" sounds nearly as daunting as dying to it. At least to me! While certainly aspirational, the prospect of navigating daily living--with family, job, illness, injustice, bills and to-dos, co-workers and bosses, wars and rumors of wars, endless ways to disconnect and constant encouragement to get more of everything--without sinning seems possible only in another world! Rare is the day when some attitude, action, or affection is not off the mark to some degree. Whether in relationships, responsibilities, or toward God Himself, either out of ignorance or arrogance, I am not transgression free

Good thing that is not God's presumption of me!  

Don't get me wrong; God desires us to live on the mark. He wants you and me to choose His way of life and forgo the ways of death. Our heavenly Father just knows we don't always do so! Actually, as we saw in Psalm 32 this past Sunday, He presumes that we will find ourselves transgressing the markers of His path and in need of regular course correction. 

How God responds to our missteps (wanton or accidental) generates the atmosphere of our Lenten journey. The psalmist helps us recognize that the very breath of life is the air of forgiveness.

Blessed is the one whose
transgression is forgiven, 
whose sin is covered. 
Blessed is the person against whom the 
LORD counts no iniquity, 
and in whose spirit (breath) nothing is hidden. 

(Psalm 32:12)

All we have to do is open up our lungs and inhale. Acknowledge that we are not transgression free, but free from the bonds of our transgression in the atmosphere of His forgiveness (Ps. 32:5). 

As we acclimate to the climate, we, like the psalmist, begin to experience the "Bless-edness," happiness, of living in "another world." Not a superficial, fragile, or fleeing happiness, but the deep wholeness which comes from a soul in communion with God--daily and intimately instructed, taught, and counseled by Him in the way to living, on the mark, free from sin (Ps. 32:8). 

So as we continue the pilgrimage of Lent together this week, let me encourage you to TAKE A DEEP BREATH (or three!), LISTEN, and LIVE FREE, dead to sin and alive in Jesus. Seriously!

Before entering into the final movements of the Prayer of Examen, take three deep breathes. Fill your lungs with the air of life through each breath, saying what Psalm 32 trains us to say: 

Breath In: "I am forgiven!"
Breath Out: confessing where you stepped off the way. 

Breath In: "My sin is covered!"
Breath Out: acknowledging where you've missed the mark. 

Breath In: "God does not hold my guilt against me!"
Breath Out: The shame that keeps you hiding. 

Then listen to the counsel of the One who wholly sees you, from whom you have nothing to hide, but who hides you in His freeing love (Ps. 32:7)! Let Him instruct you through the examen and teach you the way free from sin in "another world"-- His presence! 

"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
(John 8:36)

May we abide in His Word, and may Truth set us free.

Love you, faith family! God bless.

Dying To Live

Dear Faith Family,

On Sunday, we entered into the "movement of Lent" with Psalm 6 mapping for us what will be our course through the valley of death's shadows to the green pastures and still waters of Easter morning. Jesus, guarding and guiding us as we mourn and decry the shedding of the "old self's" weighty cloak in the expectant hope of life new, free, and forever. Which all sounds poetic metaphor anyway!

Yet, as the first verses of the psalm describe, our journey through the Lenten season is no Sunday stroll! Even if we know we are just passing through "Sheol," entering the "vast sepulchral cavern," death's stronghold, a dark wasteland, and the hunting ground of a disastrous beast of prey (each of which is a meaning of Sheol in our scriptures) is vexing of body and soul, stunts faith's memories, and silences the echos of worship in our hearts. 

If we are honest, we'd rather get to the free and forever life on the other side of Lent through any other pilgrimage instead of the one that leads us to the cross and grave of Jesus. And yet, as Jesus said (and showed), it is only through dying that we experience the real life we are after,

Truly truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
(John 12:24-25).

By following Jesus through the season of Lent, we choose to fall to the earth and die the "little deaths" from which new life springs forth.

You see, the road Jesus leads us down is not our end, but the end of all that keeps us from living truly. And while the shadows of death feel entombing, their grip always gives way to the upward movement of resurrection. 

The good news for us is "that one has died for all; therefore all have died...that those who live him who for their sake died and was raised. " (2 Cor. 5:14-15). Because Jesus went all the way, literally--life to death to grave/pit/Sheol to life again--we can (while still breathing) experience the exhalation,

O LORD, You have brought up my soul from Sheol; You restored me to life that I should not go down to the pit.
(Psalm 30:3)

During Lent, we are invited by Jesus to die so that we might live, to die to all that keeps us from a new, whole, and fruitful life--personally, collectively, societally. So, this week in our Lenten rhythms, choose to follow Jesus by asking the Spirit:

What needs to die? What within me (attitude, action, or affection) needs to die that I might truly live?

Ask and then listen without fear or judgment. Rest in the truth that new life comes through these necessary little deaths. Then share. Invite your spouse, DNA, spiritual friends, and/or Gospel Community into the journey alongside you. Jesus demonstrated that fateful night in the garden that we'll need the encouragement of such companionship on the way to our cross, entombment, and life anew.

May we come to know in our homes, workplaces, relationships, and for the good of our neighbors that "to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21).

Love you, faith family! God bless.

Entering A New Season

Dear Faith Family,

Today millions of Jesus followers, churchgoers, and religious practitioners worldwide begin a season of abstinence known as Lent. Much like the season of Advent helps prepare us for the depths and riches of Christmas Day, so too does the Lenten season helps prepare us for the transformative abundance of Easter morning. And this year, our faith family will be participating in more of this season's rhythms!

Over the next six weeks, our fellow apprentices will abstain from alcohol, social media, sugar, and “anything that hinders our communion with God." (Willis, 21). Some will fast sunrise to sundown, giving up food entirely. Some will freely choose this self-denial for the full 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday, others for three weeks, and some for only Holy Week, those last few days leading to the all-important weekend events of bloody cross and empty tomb.

While the methods and duration may differ, what begins today on Ash Wednesday is a preparation "for the miracle of forgiveness on Good Friday and its life-giving power on Easter." (McKnight, 92-93). The Lenten season is dedicated time of "self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word" (Book of Common Prayer, 265).  

While many in our faith family will joyously and knowledgeably join with our sisters and brothers across the planet in Lenten practices, there are just as many (including myself) who have only a little history with such tradition. So, if you are like me, let me invite you into a weekly rhythm leading up to Easter to help us join our global faith family at this special time.

  1. Make the Prayer of Examen a three-times a week practice. You can find a guide here. Remember, the “skill” honed in this practice is not assessment but attentiveness. We desire to get better at being aware and responsive to God with us and for us.

  2. Join us in meditating on the “Penitential Psalms” twice a week. You can find a guide here. We’ll use these to focus our collective attention this Lenten season.

  3. Join us in a weekly Fast starting this week. You can find a guide here.

Three "examens," two "psalms," and a day without, for the next six weeks or so. 3-2-1, and we're in rhythm!

I hope you'll be able to join me at least in part! Regardless, join with me TODAY, whether today is a significant day in your faith or a day you know hardly anything about, and PRAY WITH ME THE “LITANY OF PENITENCE” as we share with our brothers and sisters around the globe, a reminder of our mortality and the gracious gift of everlasting life. Pray with and as the Chruch:

Most holy and merciful Father:
We confess to you and to another, 
and to the whole communion of saints
in heaven and on earth, 
that we have sinned by our own fault 
in thought, word, and deed; 
by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. 

We have not loved you with our whole heart, nor mind, nor strength. We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have not forgiven others, as we have been forgiven. 
Have mercy on us, gracious Father. 

We have been deaf to your call to serve, as Jesus served us. We have not been true to the mind of Christ. We have grieved your Holy Spirit. 
Have mercy on us, compassionate Father. 

We confess to you, Father, all our past unfaithfulness: the pride, hypocrisy, and impatience of our lives. 
We confess to you, humble Father. 

Our self-indulgent appetites and ways, and our exploitation of other people, 
We confess to you, self-giving Father. 

Our anger at our own frustration, and our envy of those more fortunate than ourselves, 
We confess to you, generous Father. 

Our intemperate love of worldly goods and comforts, and our dishonesty in daily life and work, 
We confess to you, just Father. 

Our negligence in prayer and worship, and our failure to commend the faith that is in us, 
We confess to you, merciful Father. 

We turn to you, Father, and away from the wrongs we have done: acknowledging our blindness to human need and suffering, and our indifference to injustice and cruelty, 
We hold fast to you, always-present Father. 

Acknowledging false judgments, uncharitable thoughts toward our neighbors, and prejudice and contempt toward those who are different from us, 
We turn to you, ever-chasing Father. 

Acknowledging our waste and pollution of your creation, and our lack of concern for those who come after us, 
We hold fast to you, never-changing Father.

Restore us, good Father, and let your anger depart from us; 
Favorably hear us, for your mercy is great. 

Bring to maturity the fruit of your salvation, 
That we may show forth your glory in the world. 

By the cross and passion of your Son our King and Friend, 
Bring us with all your saints into the complete joy of his resurrection. 


Love you, faith family! God bless.

From Particular to Essential and Back Again

Dear Faith Family,

As one reading this email, I hope you know that you are prayed for, specifically and often. Sometimes my prayers for you are particular, seeking our Father with you amidst specific circumstances, longings, needs, afflictions, opportunities, and joys. And sometimes, I pray for you, and us, something less particular yet more essential and elemental.

This prayer was prayed for another faith family millennia ago, and in light of our recent focus, it rings relevant for our life together in Jesus today. Here are the words prayed for you, today and regularly, and why they matter...

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through the Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

(Ephesians 3:14-21)

Paul could have (and certainly did) pray particulars for his faith family. Yet, his essential prayer is that they would discern and experience in daily life the fullness of the power at work within them--the abundance beyond request and vision of His riches, His life, in their lives.

It seems Paul believed the tensions of the particulars--the losses, fears, needs, as well as the hopes and heights--which cause us to bow our knees, find their relief, their peace, in the intimate awareness of Christ's dwelling in us. And he knew they'd need strength from outside themselves to trust, rest in, and experience the abundant life from the transformative affections of Jesus for them.

Notice in the prayer that the power of the Spirit is not for us to accomplish something or to overcome something or to figure something out, but instead, to strengthen our inner being for the immensity of Jesus abiding in us. Perhaps we should follow Paul's lead, and before (or as) we pray the particulars for one another, pray the essentials with one another.

Try it this week. Let this scriptured prayer be your entry into prayer for your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, even yourself. To help, start by filling in the blanks below. As your doing so, let the Spirit's power work within and through, to the glory of God in our (and every) faith family. Love you, faith family. God bless!

For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father, from whom _____ is named, that according to the riches of our Father's glory, our Father may grant ____ to be strengthened with power through the Spirit in _____('s) inner being, so that Christ may dwell in _____('s) hearts through faith—that _____, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that _____ may be filled with the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we (me and _____) ask or imagine, according to the power at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen

Whose Talents?

Dear Faith Family,

Do you ever think about what God wants you to do with your life? How He desires you to use your gifts, abilities, and passions for His kingdom and your good? Based on a near-decade of time together, I know you do! And I'm right there with you! Cyclically assessing if I am putting my talents to their most honoring, prosperous, and fulfilling use. 

The funny thing is, we looked at  Parable of The Talents on Sunday and discovered Jesus' kingdom depiction had nothing to do with the proper use of what abilities we possess. Instead, what Jesus expects is for us to put to use His life given to us. 

I know that the last sentence sounds strange, but understanding it is crucial to the question which we regularly wrestle. So let's tease it out a bit. 

Suppose we (even unconsciously) assume that a faithful and fruitful life with God and others comes from making the best use of our gifts, abilities, and passions. How do we account for the, say, 60-90% of life lived outside of our skills and aspirations? We can all attest to the reality that a significant portion of life is doing things that we feel ill-equipped or uninspired to do! So is only what can be done well, and fulfilling so, worth doing in the kingdom of God?

Of course not! We know that it's often in our struggle and weakness that the kingdom comes most clearly into sight. While it's a good, even blessed, thing to be in a place to use our talents and passions, it's not necessary to a faithful and fruitful life. But let's take things a step further.

Do we think that if we were somehow able to make the most of our talents--our natural abilities and honed skills--the world would be righted? At least our personal world anyway. Doing what we are best at and love, for God, surely bears the highest kingdom yield. But what about those times when it doesn't? When talents employed with zeal return little evidence internally and/or externally that the kingdom has indeed made a significant appearance. In these seasons, we wonder if something is off or missing. Here, we question if we should be doing something else with our life. If experiencing the abundance of the kingdom is really contingent on using my talents, it's no wonder I come back again and again to the question that got us started!

Yet we know that the kingdom--God with us and for us, reconciling to himself all things, overcoming sin and death, making all things new--is an unstoppable movement. While perhaps not as speedy as we'd prefer, we know what was started will be finished. So why are we, as willing participants in salvation's continued unfolding, so rarely settled on our place and purpose in the story?

It is true that living into who God has uniquely, intimately, and lovingly crafted us to be in relation to himself and his kingdom is an essential focus of our faith (i.e., Psalm 139). And our faith family spends a significant amount of time on this focus. So maybe our issue isn't the intent of our longing. Desiring to do what we love and are good at for God is a good thing! The real issue is we focus too intently on what we bring to the table, rather than what is offered at the table.

Going back to Jesus' story, the master entrusts his servants what is already his, essentially and practically his life. The entrusting master expects his now elevated servants to use his life. To trade with it, to put it to work, and in so doing, they discover an absurdly abundant return.

The master does not say to the servants, "Use what you have (i.e., your talents)," but rather, "Take what is mine, my talents, my life and live on it, through it, for it." And on his return, it is the servants' faithfulness to go about their business using the master's life that earns his delight and completes their joy.

So, perhaps the question is not what am I doing with my life (my talents), but how am I living on Jesus' life? In what ways am I living on the sacrificial compassion, excessive generosity, and unqualified faith bestowed to me?

After all, as the apostle Paul put it,

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Gal. 2:20)

So here is my challenge and encouragement to us. Instead of getting up tomorrow and asking, "How can I best use my skills and abilities, my talents, for the kingdom today?" Let us begin our day by asking the Spirit for the strength and wisdom to "Let me put to use the life and faith of Jesus in me today."

I wonder if we won't see those same "talents" produce abundant kingdom returns!

Love you, faith family. God bless!

Dishonest Wisdom

Dear Faith Family,

What do we do when we disappoint God? How do you respond when you fail to live up to the expectations of faith? 

We don't like to talk about failure and disappointment, especially in our culture. Add in the fact that our faith's sub-culture has probably talked too much about both at times, and it's no wonder we avoid the topic. Yet the truth is, we have all felt at one point or another that in our doing or failing to do something, we have not lived up to our faith. When honest, we can all confess that we believe we have disappointed the One to whom we've given our life's worship in some measure, great or small. 

So what do we do? How do we respond when we know we haven't made the best use of the life we've been gifted? Well, Jesus tells a story to help us answer that question. And it is the most surprising of all of his stories! 

In the parable of the Wise Gambler, more commonly known as "the Dishonest Manager" found in Luke 16:1-8, Jesus rattles our base assumptions about mercy and grace and living well after failure to live up to expectation.

In the steward (manager) character, we find one like us. One who has in some way squandered or wasted the resources of life given him. And like us, the exposure of his failings has put him in a place of indebtedness to the master whose resources he misused. And, like us (and the characters from our previous parables), the steward receives unexpected and costly mercy. Assuming the loss as his own, the master does not hold the manager to the letter of the law. Instead, the steward is allowed to keep his life and resources. But what will he do? How will he go on living, especially as one who everyone will soon know has fallen short of expectations?

Well, says Jesus, the steward acts with prudence, shrewdly demonstrating his wisdom by taking advantage of grace! He does not plead for restoration nor promise piety as repayment but instead gambles his future on the mercy he's already received. Without hesitation, he uses everything at his disposal in a truly "dishonest" scheme that will cost the master once again. The now dishonest manager assumes that if the master was willing to pay for his failings, then the master will also pay for his continued living! What a bold move of faith!

In his failing, perhaps for the first time, the steward recognizes the true nature of the One under whose grace and provision he finds himself. And perhaps for the first time, he abandons himself and his resources fully to the nature of the Master and begins to live wisely. Perhaps, in our failings, we too might respond with such prudence!

Admittedly the parable of the Wise Gambler is perhaps the most confusing of Jesus' stories. Yet it might also be the most valuable for you and me who strive to be good, wise stewards of the life we've been gifted. So if you missed Sunday, take a few minutes to work through the parable here, and then join us in asking:

How would my life (relationships and roles) look different if I lived with the wisdom of the dishonest manager?

Love you, faith family! God bless.