In the practice of lament, we share in one another’s suffering and toils. This prayer for the church is not a lament, but a prayer that proceeds from the revelation that there are those lamenting amongst us. Let us pray with and for another these words, adapted from Ernest Campbell.
Play the light of your truth and love upon our less-than-perfect hearts, O Father; for, left to our own understanding, we have a way of befriending sin and opposing righteousness.
Help those of us who are passing through heavy seas to ride out the storm with faith that Jesus is aboard.
By your providence lead those of us who are down on themselves into some life experience in which their worth will be affirmed.
Call back to your side those of us who can recall a day when they loved you more.
And for those of us who weep the tears of the bereaved, renew the vision of earth’s first Easter morning, that they may conceive of death henceforth as one of the ‘all things’ that work together for our good.
Keep us faithful to each other and to you, whatever comes, until on your strong arms we fall, and our work is done.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.