The psalmist declares, “I have calmed and quieted my soul” (Ps. 131:2). One translation says it this way, “I’ve cultivated a quiet heart.” From this quieted space springs forth a free and content life, says the psalmist. A life we all long for and a life that is borne from an earthy view of our heavenly Father. It is awe and wonder of our Father’s love and care demonstrated in his movement of history which has the psalmist in a quiet space.
This week, let us pray together for a life birthed from this quieted space of soul and heart in the presence of our good and glorious God. We’ll do so with these words adapted from John Ballie. Words that we’ve prayed before and that we will come back to again and again as we follow Jesus through life together.
Eternal Father of our souls, let our first thought of each day this coming week be of you, let our first impulse each day be to worship you, let our first word each day be your Name, let our first action each day be to kneel before you in professed thanksgiving and freeing awe.
For your perfect wisdom and perfect goodness;
For the love you have for all people;
For the love you have for me and us;
For the great mysterious opportunity of our lives in your salvation story;
For your Spirit, who dwells in our hearts;
For the gifts of your Spirit which Jesus has for us;
We praise and worship you, O Father.
Yet when this day’s prayer is finished, do not let us think that our worship is ended and spend the rest of the day and week forgetting you. Rather, from these quiet moments and quieted spaces, let light and joy and power pour out and remain with us through every hour of this week.
May that light and joy and power:
Keep our thoughts pure;
Keep us gentle and truthful in all we say;
Keep us faithful and diligent in our work;
Keep us humble in our opinion of ourselves;
Keep us honorable and generous in our dealings with others;
Keep us loyal to every cherished memory of the past;
Keep us mindful of our eternal destiny as your children.
O, Father, you have been the refuge of your people through many generations; be our refuge in every moment and every need we face this week. Be our guide through all uncertainty and darkness. Be our guard against all that threatens our physical and spiritual well-being. Be our strength in times of trials and security in time of testing. Cheer our hearts with your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, King, and Friend. Amen.