No matter how much we think of God, nor how vividly we proclaim his grandeur, he is always more. More than we can think or imagine. More than we preach and proclaim. And it is often amid the uncontrollable circumstances of daily living where we discover/remember/embrace his “moreness.”
This week’s prayer, adapted from Ernest Campbell, is a prayer from a seat of humility to a Father who is so much more. Let us pray together.
O Father, our maker and our God, the giver and sustainer of life, we bless your name at all times. Your praise continually rises from our grateful hearts.
We thank you that your power extends beyond the prowess and achievements of humankind.
that our towers never do quite touch the sky,
that always you are more than we have thought or preached you to be.
We thank you that a fall of snow can hobble a busy and self-centered city,
that strong headwinds can slow our jets and make us and our “needed items,” late,
that heavy rains can force a cancellation of public events,
that high seas command the respect of our sturdiest ocean-going ships.
In short, we thank you, Father, for everything and anything that humbles us before the mystery of life and keeps us from the folly of worshiping the works of our own hands. You alone are God, and together we bless your holy name.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.