“For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3:35) Jesus describes a family of faith as someone who “does the will of God,” his Father. The same fountain from which Jesus said flows his words and witness (Jn. 4:34, 5:19, 6:38, 14:31). To be a child of God is one who hears and responds to the Father’s desire for her or his life. And what does our Father desire for us? Only that we should “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8). While the spirit is willing, admittedly, the flesh is weak in carrying out our Father’s desire, so let us pray together these words adapted from John Ballie. A prayer from his children to live like his family.
Father, you are most wise, most great, and most holy. In wisdom and power and tender mercy you created us in your image. You have given us this life, you have given us all we have, and you know where and how we live. You have surrounded us with gracious gifts and situations. You have written your law within our hearts.
And in our hearts’ most secret chamber you are waiting to meet and speak with us, freely offering us your fellowship in spite of all we have done wrong. Help us to take this open road to peace of mind. Help us to approach your presence with humility and reverence, carrying with us the Spirit of Jesus. Help us to leave behind all anxieties, all wrong desires, all thoughts of malice toward others, and all hesitancy to surrender our will to yours.
In your will, O Father, is our peace.
You are what our hearts desire most.
Whom have we in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that we desire other than you.
In your presence, O God, we cannot think only of ourselves, but also of others:
Of our friends and family of faith, especially of _____ and _____;
Of those we have worked alongside and played with this week;
Of those who are in sorrow;
Of those who are bearing the burdens of others;
Of those who are alone in difficult or remote situations, working in lonely outposts of your kingdom.
You are the one God and Father of us all; be near us this coming week and graciously watch over our faith family. Hear our prayer for Jesus’ sake. Amen.