When we accept our limitations, we begin to recognize grace. This week, we pray this prayer adapted from Ernest Campbell, for one another and our neighbors. A prayer that limitations would not be fought against but embraced, and that the reciprocating grace be a warm comfort.
Together we pray,
Because we did not make ourselves;
Because we do not keep ourselves;
Because we cannot save ourselves;
Our hearts reach out to you, Our Father God.
We thank you for our creation, preservation, and redemption:
for the hills to climb,
the burdens to carry,
the temptations to resist,
and fears to overcome.
We thank you for all that helps us in our pilgrimage:
the remembrance of those who walked this way before us and did it well;
signs of your presence, often in unlikely places, giving us to know that we are not alone;
the unanswerable logic of lives given over to your service in selfless love;
the work of your Holy Spirit in our minds and hearts, uniting for us the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith.
With all that lies within us, we acclaim your goodness and speak your praise,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.