From Surprised to Seeing

Dear Faith Family,   

Where does Jesus show up and show off? Not the "wise sage" Jesus or the "gentle shepherd" Jesus, both of whom I am grateful for! But the "Truly this was the Son of God!" Jesus. Where does the "living one...died...and alive forevermore" Jesus make His presence known? 

Well, as Dylan shared on Sunday, Jesus seems to show up right in the middle of our divided hearts and lives. Whether the divide is the tension between our given responsibilities and His unanticipated revelation, like the centurion (Matt. 27:51-54), or within the mixed emotions of mourning, fear, and joy, like the Marys (Matt. 28:1-10), or between the action of obedience and worship while doubt lingers, like the disciples (Matt. 28:16-20); Jesus consistently shows up and shows off amid our muddied anticipations, attentions, and affections. Which is good news for us! After all, if we are honest, much of our day is spent with our hearts divided between competing internal and external forces and circumstances. 

And while it is indeed good news that the "Son of God," "dead but alive" Jesus, does not require an unmixed existence for His presence, the truth of the matter is that our heavenly Father desires Jesus' presence to be less of a surprise: 

Blessed [happy, complete]
are the pure [the unmixed or divided] in heart,
for they shall see God.
(Matthew 5:8)

Purity of heart is not the prerequisite for Jesus' presence, but it does help us recognize Him rather than be merely surprised by His showing up and showing off. The Examen, an old faith practice we're practicing together this season, is for divided people seeking to be unmixed, desiring to see Jesus and not just be surprised by him. 

So, here is my challenge to you this week. Follow the Daily Examen Guide twice, in place of (or in addition to) your usual time with Jesus. Then, do the same next week, and the week after, and the week after. Set the days and times when you'll practice the Examen for the next three weeks. Then, let someone in your Gospel Community, your spouse, or a spiritual companion know, and see if your run-ins with Jesus are less of a surprise (even if no less incredible!). 

Love you, faith family! God bless.