Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth Bailey

This is not just a recommendation for this series but a great source to have on hand when looking to see what we easily miss in the cultural gaps between Jesus’ day and ours.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day by Pete Scazzero

Jesus says He will never leave us nor forsake us, and while we believe Him, we are not always aware of His presence. This resource is a tremendous and accessible guide to “practicing the presence of God.”

Jesus and the Gospel by Craig L. Blomberg

While more “academic,” this resource provides helpful historical and textual insights into our journey with Jesus through the four Gospels.

The Spiritual Journey Series by David Brenner

Orienting our life from, through, and to Jesus may be a commitment we share and share in doing; however, we don’t all make that commitment from the same place along our journies with Jesus. Brenner’s series helps us to “offer” ourselves to Jesus no matter where we are today. While we’d recommend the entire series, we suggest starting with the resource that best serves you today.

Surrender to Love: Orienting to Jesus begins with yielding, surrendering our lives in trust in God’s goodness, power, wisdom…and, ultimately, Love. If trust is something you struggle with, we recommend starting here.

The Gift of Being Yourself: Surrender requires trust, a knowing of God that frees us to offer ourselves to Him. But what are we offering? Are we “giving up,” or are we giving into who we truly are in God’s hands? If you are unsure who you are/what you have to give or how to give yourself wholly to God, we recommend starting here.

Desiring God’s Will: Orienting to Jesus begins with an offering and ends with “discerning the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” The discernment has less to do with some formal, but is rather like a realignment. If you know what it means to offer but are looking to discern, we recommend starting here.