A Prayer for Your Industry, Profession, or Company

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who during Your earthly life shared our toil and dignified the work of our hands: May all who labor as [your profession/industry/company] today cultivate goodness and beauty in the world. May their good work be done well, not to please man, or for mere monetary reward, but diligently in the eyes of God as His workers. Give to each a spirit of cooperation and collaboration so that there may be no strife among them. Grant that all will seek only what is right, working in concord with one another, and working for the good of themselves and their neighbors, near and far—all for Your sake. May they find joy in serving others and in serving You, Lord Jesus, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign forever, world without end. Amen.[1] 

[1] Adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, “For Industry” & “For Right Relations in Industry.”

An Anytime Prayer for Work

Lord, I bring before you today the fruit of my labor – the work of my hands. I confess that more often than not, I take pride in my work to a fault, doing what I can to draw attention to myself and to my own abilities. I ask that you would re-orient the direction of my praise today, shifting the focus off of my own abilities and onto the one who has enabled me to serve others with my particular gifts—all of which come from you.

Lord, take the works of my hands, both big and small, and use them for your kingdom purposes. May my labor bring you glory, and may it lead others to give you glory as well. Thank you that my labor is never in vain and that you work in and through the tasks that I often view as mundane. I ask that you continue to teach me how to be a worker in your Kingdom; ever mindful of the rhythms of grace that you kindly invite me into. I pray these things in the name of the One who is worthy of my work, Amen.[1]

[1] Adapted from Cook, Jared. https://worshipforworkers.com/resources/prayers/a-prayer-for-the-offering-of-work/

A Prayer for the Day

Eternal Father of my soul, let my first thought today be of You, let my first impulse be to worship You, let my first speech be Your name, let my first action be to kneel before You in prayer.

For Your perfect wisdom and perfect goodness,

For the love that You love mankind with,

For the love that You love me with,

For the great and mysterious opportunity of my life,

For the indwelling of Your Spirit in my heart,

For the gifts of Your Spirit,

For all these, I praise and worship You, Lord.

Yet let me not, when this morning prayer is said, think my worship has ended and then spend the rest of my day forgetting You. Rather from this moment of quietness let light go forth, and joy, and power, that will remain with me through all the hours of the day ahead;

Keeping me pure in thought,

Keeping me restrained and truthful in speech,

Keeping me faithful and diligent in my work,

Keeping me humble in my estimation of myself,

Keeping me honorable and generous in my dealings with others,

Keeping me loyal to every holy memory of the past,

Keeping me mindful of my eternal destiny as Your child.

God, who has been the Refuge of my fathers through many generations, be my Refuge today in every time and circumstance of need. Be my Guide through all that is dark and doubtful. Be my Guard against all that threatens my [spiritual, relational, emotional, psychological, and physical] welfare. Be my Strength in time of testing. Gladden my heart with Your peace; through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Adapted from A Diary of Private Prayer, by John Baillie

An Afternoon Prayer

Lord, take all that I have done thus far today, and make it good. Forgive me for my laziness, procrastination, or inattention, for my impatience and frustration with those I work with, for every careless word or thought, every selfish deed or motivation, for all the times I chose to serve myself instead of others. Take my actual work too—the practical, material, and economic activities of this day—and help them to cultivate goodness and beauty in the world. May the work I have done today become a blessing to others and a work of love which, in the mystery of your gracious will, is caught up in the creation and redemption of the world. If I have failed today, by either poor work or poor spirit, guard my heart from the sin of Cain and help me walk in freedom, forgiveness, and newness of life as I step into a new workday tomorrow. If I have done well today, may I receive your blessing, your encouragement, and your affirmation as a beloved son or daughter boasting, not arrogantly in the fruits of my labor, but rejoicing in your love and your work in and through me, your servant. May I always remember what you require: to act justly, love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with you—even when I am at work. Amen.

A Serenity Prayer for Work

Almighty God,

Creator of heaven and earth,

Giver and Sustainer of life,

Who works all things together for the good of those who love You

—and find themselves caught up in Your purposes and plans,

We pray, together, here at the close of another work week.

Whatever has come before, whether successful and productive or fruitless and toilsome,

We pray for the serenity to accept what we cannot change,

The courage to change what we can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

We pray for the serenity and peace that Christ left with us,

For the courage of the Spirit which is not fear, but power, love, and self-control,

And we pray for the true wisdom which comes from the Father,

Which is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, merciful, fruitful, impartial and sincere.

So that a harvest of righteousness might be sown by all we say and do.


A Prayer for Presence

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? - Psalm 139:7

God and Father, I repent of my sinful preoccupation with ‘visible things,’ what we sometimes call ‘results’ or ‘productivity,’ especially in the workplace. The world has been too much with me—and I too much with the world. Still, You have been here with me all along and I knew it not. I have simply been blind to Your presence. Open my eyes that I may behold You in and around me. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

Adapted from Ps. 137 prayer by A.W. Tozer.

A Prayer for Serving Others

O Christ Who made Himself the Servant of all, I set my heart and my affections upon You—and upon You alone—for I can only serve others rightly when such service is undertaken from first to last as an act of devotion offered to You.

In serving You, I am freed from my need for the praise of others. So that even if my kindnesses are shed from scarred hearts as rain from a sloped tin roof, my joy will not be dimmed for I know that You receive and remember each act of sacrifice, and reckon it as a love rendered to You.

So let my love be sincere and my service be fearless, O Lord.

May I serve in imitation of You, Who poured out Your life for me. May I serve knowing that Your Spirit is ever at work in the lives of those I serve, ever calling, ever drawing, ever seeking to soften hearts encased in fear and disappointment and anger and idolatry. Let my kindness and sacrifice fall like warm shafts of sunlight on icy ground.

I cannot know the end of another person’s story. Our lives so often only briefly intersect. So, wherever I find myself today, let me be content to minister and serve regardless of visible outcomes, trusting that the small mercies I extend will be woven into the larger theme of redemption at work in the lives of others as You woo them to Yourself, drawing their hearts by graces offered, and shaping my own heart too, in this process of learning to serve well, and by learning to serve well, learning to love well.


* Adapted from “A Prayer for Serving Others,” in Every Moment Holy: Volume 1

Prayer for Vocation in Daily Work

Almighty God our heavenly Father, you declare your glory and show forth your handiwork in the heavens and in the earth: Deliver us in our various occupations from the service of self alone, that we may do the work you give us to do in truth and beauty and for the common good; for the sake of him who came among us as one who serves, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


“Prayer for Vocation in Daily Work, Book of Common Prayer

A Prayer for Work Stress

Heavenly Father, as I navigate the complexities of work, help me to release the burdens that are beyond my control and focus on the tasks that I can manage with your guidance.

Lord, I ask for your calming presence in the midst of deadlines, expectations, and uncertainties. Grant me the resilience to face challenges with grace and strength.

In moments o frustration, help me to pause and find perspective. In overwhelming moments, guide me to prioritize and approach each task with a steady and composed heart.

Help me to see my work as an opportunity for growth and service rather than a source of anxiety. Surround me with your love and the support of those who understand.

I place my trust in you, Lord, as I journey through the stressors of work. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.*

* BY JONAH MCKEOWN / Common Good Magaine

A Prayer and a Poem

A workday prayer in poem form:

Teach me work that honors Thy work,

the true economies of goods and words,

to make my arts compatible

with the songs of the local birds.


Teach me patience beyond work –

and, beyond patience, the blest

Sabbath of Thy unresting love

which lights all things and gives rest.

- Wendell Berry, “Sabbath Poem X” (2002)

A Prayer for Co-Workers

Today, Lord, I pray not for myself, but for my coworkers.

I pray especially for [Suffering Coworker] and their present sorrows and struggles. Lord, you know every difficulty and every disappointment that they are going through right now. I pray that they would know your goodness and kindness today in the midst of their work, while trusting you for all that they might need. Show me, Lord, the ways that I could serve and care for them during this season.

I pray also for [Overworked Coworker], may you grant them peace and stillness inside and out. If they have taken on too much responsibility, gracefully remind them that they don’t have to do it all, but can depend on those who they work with. Likewise, if they have been given too much responsibility by those they work for, help them ask for help where it is needed, rest when it is required, and an abundance of patience and grace as they approach urgent deadlines and possibly miss important due dates. In all of it, remind them that they can trust you, Jesus.

Finally Lord, for all the many needs of those I work with and for: I ask for your provision, your abundance, and your life, Jesus, made good in and for them. May all my coworkers rest and work securely in you—through faith, hope, and love. Amen.

A Prayer when Anxious or Overwhelmed by Work

Jesus, you are my peace. I trust you and I need you. Like the waters of the sea, bid my anxious mind “Cease! Be still!” Calm my restless spirit. Comfort me, care for me, and return to me the joy of your salvation. To the extent that I have given myself too much work, help me let it go. To the extent that too much work has been put on me by others, may I gracefully disappoint. May your Holy Spirit descend, and indwell my every thought, Amen.

A Prayer for Your Industry, Profession, or Company

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who during Your earthly life shared our toil and dignified the work of our hands: May all who labor as [your profession/industry/company] today cultivate goodness and beauty in the world. May their good work be done well, not to please man, or for mere monetary reward, but diligently in the eyes of God as His workers. Give to each a spirit of cooperation and collaboration so that there may be no strife among them. Grant that all will seek only what is right, working in concord with one another, and working for the good of themselves and their neighbors, near and far—all for Your sake. May they find joy in serving others and in serving You, Lord Jesus, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign forever, world without end. Amen.[1] 

[1] Adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, “For Industry” & “For Right Relations in Industry.”

An Afternoon Prayer

Lord, take all that I have done thus far today, and make it good. Forgive me for my laziness, procrastination, or inattention, for my impatience and frustration with those I work with, for every careless word or thought, every selfish deed or motivation, for all the times I chose to serve myself instead of others. Take my actual work too, the practical, material, and economic activities of this day, and help them to cultivate goodness and beauty in the world. May the work I have done today become a blessing to others, a work of love, and may it too, in the mystery of your gracious will, be caught up in the creation and redemption of the world. If I have failed today, by either poor work or poor spirit, help me walk in freedom, forgiveness, and newness of life as I step into a new workday tomorrow. If I have done well today, may I receive your blessing, your encouragement, and your affirmation as a beloved son or daughter, boasting, not arrogantly in the fruits of my labor, but rejoicing in your love and your work in and through me, your servant. May I always remember what you require: to act justly, love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with you—even when I am at work. Amen.

A Morning Prayer

Gracious God, as I step into a new workday, I seek your guidance and direction. Open my mind to new ideas, insights, and opportunities. Lead me in the paths of righteousness, and help me make choices that align with your will. Lord, grant me the strength to face challenges with confidence and the humility to seek help when needed. May my work be purposeful, contributing to the well-being of others and to the flourishing of your creation. In moments of decision-making, may your Spirit inspire me with wisdom and discernment. As I interact with colleagues and clients, help me to be an agent of your love and grace. May my words be seasoned with kindness, and may my actions reflect the values of my faith. Heavenly Father, may my workday be a day filled with productivity, creativity, and a deep sense of fulfillment. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.[1]

[1] Mckeown, Jonah. From Made to Flourish, Common Good Magazine. “6 Prayers for Work.”

An Anytime Prayer for Work

Lord, I bring before you today the fruit of my labor – the work of my hands. I confess that more often than not, I take pride in my work to a fault, doing what I can to draw attention to myself and to my own abilities. I ask that you would re-orient the direction of my praise today, shifting the focus off of my own abilities and onto the one who has enabled me to serve others with my particular gifts—all of which come from you.

Lord, take the works of my hands, both big and small, and use them for your kingdom purposes. May my labor bring you glory, and may it lead others to give you glory as well. Thank you that my labor is never in vain and that you work in and through the tasks that I often view as mundane. I ask that you continue to teach me how to be a worker in your Kingdom; ever mindful of the rhythms of grace that you kindly invite me into. I pray these things in the name of the One who is worthy of my work, Amen.[1]

More Workday Recollected Prayer

[1] Adapted from Cook, Jared. https://worshipforworkers.com/resources/prayers/a-prayer-for-the-offering-of-work/