On Easter Sunday, we were reminded of the life we can live because Jesus lives. A forever life and a life lived as a taste of the forever along the Way. Because He lives, we can live like Him. And while the saying rolls of the tongue easily enough, we all know how far we feel from practicing resurrection. So, what should we do when we recognize our limitations? Thank God that He has none.
Let us share this prayer of confession and praise adapted from Earnest Campbell.
Father, look upon your people, Christ City Church, and the church of Jesus in Dallas, across the United States, and around the world, as we pray, with mercy and forbearance; for we are a puzzle to ourselves, easily buffeted by harmful desires, and readily drawn from life to death. Let the very act of praise itself be a turning back to you and a means of grace.
We thank you that we are made in your image; that however slight the resemblance at times, there is in us that which tells us we belong to you.
We thank you that you have pledged your care for us; that however needful we may be in any given circumstances, the eternal is our refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.
We thank you that your grace is ever greater than our sin; that however dark our sense of failure and defeat, your pardoning word stands sure and your peace near.
Remembering your goodness in all places of your dominion, we are moved to offer you our praise.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.