Throughout the seven letters from Jesus in the Revelation emerges a theme of living in tension. A tension of culture and conviction, heart and desire, what they are after and for what they settle. At times, the churches are encouraged in the way they live in tension, and at times, admonished to keep the tension, for when it disappears, they are overcome, and so are we. So, today and throughout this week, let us pray together amid the tension, sharing these words adapted from John Ballie.
Father, you are the Lord of the night as you are of the day, and all the stars are obedient to your will. In an hour of darkness (my own, a friend’s, a nation’s), we too submit our will to yours.
O Father, set us free—
from the stirrings of self will that has no need of your within our hearts;
from cowardly avoidance of the things we need to do;
from rebellious reluctance to face necessary suffering;
from discontentment with our place in life;
from jealousy of those whose place in life appears easier;
from being dissatisfied with our talents yet hungry for more;
from the pride which sets human knowledge above your wisdom;
from undisciplined thought;
from being unwilling to learn and disinclined to serve.
O Father, you are often closest to us when we are farthest from you, and you are near at hand even when we feel that you have abandoned us; mercifully grant that the defeat f our self-centeredness may be the triumph in us of your eternal purpose.
May we grow more sure of your reality and power;
May we reach a clearer picture of the meaning of our lives on Earth;
May we strengthen our hold on eternal life;
May we look increasingly to what lies beyond our vision;
May our desires become less unruly and our thoughts more pure;
May our love for other people grow deeper and more tender, and may we be more willing to take their burdens upon ourselves.
To your care, O Father, we commend our souls and the souls of all whom we love and who love us; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the first and the last, dead and alive forevermore. Amen.