For the Church V

The apostle Paul talks about the church as an amalgamation of a variety of parts and giftings which come together to be one body of Jesus. This coming together has been the proverbial “thorn in the flesh” or Christ’s body as far back as stories go. While the pang for unity without uniformity is a persistent pressure, it has also been a primary prayer of Jesus’ for us (see Jn. 17), and the faithful for one another. So this week, at a time when our society is emphasizing our division, let us join with Ernest Campbell in this prayer for the Church to find harmony. For our sake, and, the sake of our city and nation and world.

Our Father who has willed a variety of gifts in the one body of your Son, your church, hear us.

Hear us as we pray for a more productive fusion of insights and abilities among your people;

guard us against wasteful rivalries and unwarranted divisions

to the end that each may rejoice in the gifts and talents of the other

In particular, we pray that white and black, democrat and republican, male and female, sisters and brothers may march together as beneath one banner in the spirit of mutual trust and interdependence.

Whatever the nature of our work, help us, Father, to do it unto you.

Let our shops and offices, our schools and factories, our streets

and homes feel the influence of Christ through us.

Use our assorted skills and aptitudes in the manner of a

conductor with an orchestra, calling out this instrument,

then that; this section, then another, to offer their best in a

grand performance of the work at hand.

Tune us to your will, and harmonize us with each other and with you.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
