You and I wake into a world in which God rules. A world in which, despite the apparent evidences, is spinning not out of control, but instead is flowing towards a certain future. The kingdom of heaven in which we enter, is a life of intimate purpose, and humble submission. Let us join together through the adapted words of John Baillie to pray for His kingdom to come and will to be done in and through our faith family this week…and beyond.
Our Father in heaven, you are the hidden Source of all life. Help us today, and throughout the week, to meditate on your great and gracious plan that mere mortals like us should look up to you and call you Father.
In the beginning you, the uncreated, released your creative power;
And then space and time and matter;
The atom and the molecule and crystalline forms;
The first germ of life;
And then the long upward striving of life;
The things that creep and fly, the animals of the forest, the birds
of the air, the fish of the sea;
And then the gradual down of intelligence;
And at last the making of human beings;
The beginning of history;
The first altar and the first prayer.
O hidden love of God, it is your will that all created spirits should live forever in pure and perfect fellowship with you. Grant that in our life today and this week, that we may do nothing to defeat this, your most gracious purpose. Help us to keep in mind that your whole creation is groaning in labor pains as we wait for the revealing of the children of God to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and the city on hill; and let us welcome every influence of your Spirit upon our spirits that may make this happen more speedily.
When you knock on the door of our hearts, may we never keep you standing outside, but welcome you in with joy and thanksgiving. May we never harbor anything in our hearts that we would be ashamed of in your presence; may we never keep a single corner closed to your influence.
Do what you will with us, O Father; make of us what you will, change us as you will, and use us as you will, both now and in the larger life beyond;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.