Instructions to guide you in prayerful reflection on John 6:22-59.
IMPORTANT: Look over the introduction and read these instructions in their entirety before you begin. Read the text from a paper Bible, not your phone. Try to make sure you have at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time for this practice. Be realistic and honest about how much space and stamina you have for the quiet components. Some of us will welcome stillness and silence, but most of us will likely struggle to get through even 3-5 minutes of silence—and that is okay! Arrange whatever time you think reasonable (suggested times are given), and set a timer, it helps. Get into a comfortable position but not too comfortable, so you don’t fall asleep.
The first “I Am” saying is in John 6. Here the actions of Jesus have aroused the appetite of the people for God’s present provision once more. They are ready to make Jesus king to fulfill their whims when Jesus disappears across stormy waters. The crowd seeks him out, and Jesus probes their motives while exposing their fundamental need.
With this background, read John 6:22-59.
Now that you are familiar with the context, and words, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. As you breathe in, pray “Holy Spirit… and as you breathe out, pray, “…Give me ears to hear.” Ask God to give you an openness to hear whatever the Spirit wishes to bring to you today.
If (when!) your thoughts wander in the stillness, breathe the centering prayer to quiet your mind. Focus on your breaths as you envision breathing in God’s presence.
Now, reread the passage slowly, immersing yourself in the encounter with Jesus. Remember that those who lived through this experience felt very much as you would if you had been in their place. As you read, listen for:
A word or phrase or a detail in the story that stands out to you
Where you find yourself in the passage: as one of the disciples ready for amazing thing Jesus will do next, or a part of the crowd clamoring for more of what Jesus can give out, or even an observer passing along the road.
In either case, do not choose this yourself, let the Spirit bring it to you.
As you reflect on the passage, consider one of the following:
The word or phrase that stood out to you. Why do you think these words resonated with you?
Who you found yourself to be in the passage. How does it feel to be this person? What draws you into the encounter? What are you thinking or feeling about Jesus?
Give yourself 2-3 minutes to ponder all this. Then, ask God, “How does this connect with my life today? What do I need to know or be or do?”
Read the passage in John 6 one last time, preparing yourself for what you want to say to God about what you think the Spirit might have spoken to you or what came to you.
Pray whatever you need to pray. You might thank God for something or ask God for something. Give yourself 2-3 minutes to respond.
Do as you are led for the last 5 minutes. You may wish to wait quietly on God—to simply be with Jesus. You may want to pay attention to God, pondering especially: how did Jesus seem in the passage to the crowd, to the disciples, to you? What about Jesus makes you want to worship him, or at least be with him? Sit in the companionship of Jesus—the one who is the bread of life.