
Taking God Seriously

Taking God Seriously

We find ourselves in the story of our faith tradition at a moment of reprieve. Enough history as God’s people to have stories to reflect on. Enough history of faith to have struggles and successes. In the story, judgement and new life have been declared, and in short order—at least in page numbers—life will be very different. Yet here, in the in-between, we have the time and space necessary to consider, to ponder life with God and one another, what a whole and good life is or could be.

Identity Stripped

Identity Stripped

It is in the pitiless storm when we have nothing else, when we are nothing else, that we discover our true identity. Has your own exile story—we all have them or will—not proved to be discovery through suffering, unearthing your character, your hope through the stripping away of everything—relationships, expectations, dreams, vocations, etc.—which crowd your view of God and yourself. Exposed and helpless you are covered, like Adam and Eve, by the slain lamb, the good shepherd, the servant who gave his life so that you might be called a daughter of God, a son of God, a saint.

Devastated by Sin

Devastated by Sin

We find ourselves in the story of our faith tradition at a moment of reprieve. Enough history as God’s people to have stories to reflect on. Enough history of faith to have struggles and successes. In the story, judgement and new life have been declared, and in short order—at least in page numbers—life will be very different. Yet here, in the in-between, we have the time and space necessary to consider, to ponder life with God and one another, what a whole and good life is or could be.

Repenting To Life

Repenting To Life

If I were to summarize the voice of the prophets in our story of faith thus far, it would sound something like this…[3 clashes of cymbals]

Wake up! You are in Babylon and becoming Babylon! That’s the cry of the pre-exile prophets. What this entire section of our faith history in the story of God is trying to get to us to do, to recognize. Comprehend what is going on in you and around you. Grasp what God is doing against you, against all that is in rebellion to his goodness. Appreciate what God is doing for you, and for his good world.

The Day of the LORD

The Day of the LORD

On a flight from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport to Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, the first leg of a trek into northern Africa, I had an epiphany, an “ah-ha” moment.  One of those moments when the way you see the world changes, where what you think and feel align, when the unidentifiable tension finds a name and thus the potential for release of bound energy awaits.  On this overnight flight, as dawn was breaking on a new day over a new continent, my mind and soul awoke to a reality that continues to animate my beliefs and behaviors still today.

Good News of Judgement

Good News of Judgement

I remember a Wednesday night as a late elementary aged child in which Jason Delaney and I decided that we would rebel.

Like most Wednesday nights growing up, we would travel with my mom after school up to our church’s building; getting there early enough to play old arcade games, shoot pool, or a little basketball in the Christian Learning Center, or CLC as we called it. All this before the “church” events started up...

Abiding, Together

Abiding, Together

I was about 9 years old the first time I heard someone play the blues. My family and I were visiting some friends in Chicago and – as we were leaving the airport – I saw an older black man standing by a pillar with an open case – who seemed to be not so much playing his saxophone but – with his eyes closed – he was coaxing it to give up this bewitching, sorrowful tune. I don’t remember if it was right then or later on, but soon after I told my mom: “That’s what I want to play.”