Chose Again

Many of our habits, routines, rhythms, and practices as a faith family are not in and of themselves means of instant spiritual transformation and maturation—though we are grateful when in our structured life of faith, we meet the flowering of the Spirit’s fruit and clarity! In truth, much of what we do each week is “choose again what we chose before.” We remind ourselves and are reminded by others of the commitments that keep us moving in the right direction.

So this week, let’s choose again what we chose last week, to commit our way to the LORD together. And to “do good” as we dwell in the land, ever open and listening for our particular call.

Trust in LORD and DO GOOD; DWELL IN THE LAND and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. COMMIT YOUR WAY to the LORD; trust him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light…(Psalm 37:3-6)

Let’s pray:

Father, into your hands we commit our day and the week ahead. We commit, in Your strength and grace, to do good in whatever way is required of us in our homes, in our workplaces, in our neighborhoods, in the unexpected places and persons You lead us. We commit, in the life of Jesus, to trust and delight in You, to keep our hearts soft to You. Father, into your hands we commit our spirit!