A Footnote in Prayer

Eugene Peterson once wrote,

“in prayer we become what we say...The task is not to get God to do something I think needs done, but to become aware of what God is doing so that I can participate in it.”

In most bible translations, the Jesus’ prayer ends with a footnote. There at the bottom of the page in ultra tiny print, the publishers include a comment like, “some manuscripts add For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Whether or not this footnote was original to Matthew or added later, the final phrase brings us back to the point of Jesus’ prayer: awareness that God’s kingdom, power, and glory are the only real, as well as the only ones that last; so God help us, let’s participate!

This week, let’s spend some time mediating on the footnote. Pray the words slowly three times, then let the Spirit lead you into how God’s kingdom, power, and glory are showing forth now and forever.

For Yours is

the Kingdom and

the Power and

the Glory,

