A Work Place Prayer

Resting with God in His finished work allows us (sanctifies us) to enter into our good work with Him. So today, and in the next week of work days, take a moment to pray the “Prayers for a Workplace” adapted from Common Prayer: a liturgy of ordinary radicals. Whether your place of work be in an office building, a coffee shop, your kitchen table, and whether your work be for pay or for joyful duty, may the pasture to which your led to labor, be a place of peace.

Sitting down at your desk or standing in your laundry room, pray:

May God give a blessing to this place.

God bless it form roof to floor,

from wall to wall, from end to end,

from its foundation and in its covering.

In the strong name of the triune God:

all evil be banished,

all distrubance cease,

captive spirits freed.

God’s Spirit alone

dwell within these walls.

We call upon Father, Son & Spirit

to save, shield, and surround

this house, this building, this place of garden cultivating

this day, this night, and every night.

Peace be here in the name of the King of life;

the peace of Jesus above all peace,

the LORD’s blessing over all.

May God the Father

be guardian of this place

and bring His peace.

May God’s love be shared here,

may God’s will be found here,

and my there be peace between all people who work/live here.

Christ, in our coming

and in our leaving, be the Door and the Keeper

of us

and for all who work/live within this place,

this day and every day,

forever and always.
