Ask...Receive...Joy Full

On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus attempted to explain what life after his death & resurrection would look like for his disciples. As is often the case, the description prior to the experience felt a bit hazy for Jesus’ friends. Only after the “little while” of his departure (Jn. 16:16-18), could they see clearly what was so plainly depicted prior.

Luckily for us, we look back on Jesus’ words from a more advantageous standpoint (Heb. 11:39-40), getting to experience for ourselves the communion of the Helper’s declaring conversation (Jn. 16:5-15). It is this revelation in relationship—our abiding in word, in love, in obedience (Jn. 15:1-10)—where the joy of Jesus completes our joy (Jn. 15:11) and will never be taken from us (Jn. 16:22). It is here, in the place our souls long to be, where Jesus invites us to, “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (Jn. 16:24)

So, let’s ask…and receive…that we might live full of joy.

Father, in the name of—with the heart of and wholly committed to— Jesus, and in the Spirit of Jesus, we ask; Search us! Know our hearts! Examine us and know our disquieting thoughts! See if there is any way in which we grieve Your heart and hurt others as well as ourselves. And by your Spirit of Truth, lead us in the way ancient and everlasting! Amen.