Praying Amid Grace

“Cultivate thankfulness,” or more accurately, “acknowledge that God’s grace works well.” That’s Paul exhortation to those who long to bring together the work of Jesus for them and their daily work with Him. Paul’s encouragement is not merely to express gratitude, but to be people who see themselves, their lives, and God as they truly are, and therefore cannot help thankfulness from springing into full bloom.

So today, and in the week that follows, let us pray for and with eyes to see life with God as it really is, full of grace upon grace. Pray with me these words adapted from Eugene Peterson,

Father, help us to see the meaning of our lives, not in the size of our paychecks nor in the list of things we accomplish nor in affirmations of others, but in the enteral purposes you have set for us in Jesus Christ. Father, as our days and years add up, Spirit help us to grow in gratitude for life lived in Your affection. As we grow older day by day, entering again and again the rhythm of life’s long journey, give us a good memory of your acts of guidance and deliverance and ready tongues for witness and praise. Let us close our eyes each evening, and see clearly the good work of Your grace in our daily living. Through Jesus we pray, amen.