In The Still Place

Peter’s final charge to his faith family is to be found like Jesus, whole and holy—without spot or blemish—and at peace. Peace, in the midst of daily existing that often feels more fluid than solid seems like a pipe dream of sorts—at least at times. But Peter concludes his second letter with a cascading picture of God’s action in the world from its founding and into its awaiting future. This final image to settle our minds and hearts upon is nothing less than heaven and earth meeting once more and yet anew.

Last week, we prayed a prayer for the still place which Jesus leads. This week is another adaptation of a Malcolm Guite poem “Caeli enarrant” which is based on Psalm 19. It is a prayer from the still place, to see in the Son anew, the true light given for our growth and delight.

Let’s pray…

Father, here in the still place where earth and heaven meet

Under mysterious starlight of old becoming new, help us to raise our heads

And gaze up at their glory: ‘the complete

Consort dancing’ as one poet said

Of his own words. But the You-made-new are all God’s words:

A shining poem, waiting to be read

Afresh in every heart. Let us now look towards

The bright’ning east, and see the splendid sun

Rise and rejoice, the icon of his Lord’s

True light. May we be joyful with him, watch him run

His course, receive the treasure of his light

Pouring like honeyed gold till day is done,

As sweet and strong as All God’s laws, as right

As all his judgments and as clean and pure—without spot or blemish,

All given for our growth, and our delight!

May the Son shine upon us, and may we delight in the grace of his light.
