Looking But Not Seeing

There is a way of living life where we look at everything and see nothing. Like the “rich man” in Jesus’ story from Sunday, we can look at our circumstances (both good and bad) and never see God’s activity. Likewise, we can look at our neighbor (or spouse or child or coworker or friend) and never truly see them, recognizing their humanity, their need, and their purpose. Too often, in the self-absorbed, always consuming world in which we live, we look but do not see. So this week, let’s pray together for the true sight of the One who always sees us.

Father, thank you that you always see us. That you recognize us, dignify us, care for us, love us. Father, forgive us for looking around at our circumstances and fail to see your activity—your generoisty and your grace through others. Father, forgive us for looking at those around us yet failing to see who they are to you, and so failing to relate to them as you relate to us. Father, let us see, truly see the world of grace and wonder in which we live and in which we are made to contribute. Give us eyes that recognize you and recognize others who you see. Through Jesus we ask, hope, and are seen. Amen.