Lord, When Did We See You

“Lord, when did we see you…?” That is the question “the righteous” ask when welcomed fully and finally into the life prepared for them. It is the question we’ll be asking ourselves and one another throughout this Lenten season. And, our prayer this week is a prayer we’ll be praying with and for one another as we journey with Jesus through his fall and rising…and ours too.

So, let’s pray together,

Father, as we open ourselves to your life in us and our lives in yours, help us to see those in need of life, those longing for it, striving after it, and even the ones giving up on it. Let our heart be yours and grant us the compassion and courage to enter into their neediness, as you have entered into ours. Give us eyes to see you in our spouses, our children, our siblings, in our roommates, classmates, teammates, in our coworkers, neighbors, strangers, and in the neglected and one another. And, with eyes fixed on you, let us give what we have graciously been given, your life in ours for those in need. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.