
C.S. Lewis once said that “we are made for heaven” and that “the desire of the proper place [is] already in us, even if not yet attached to the true object….” Our most essential longing is for a life whole and free in our good design and in concert with our good Designer—even if we are not always able to name the ache. But, when we discover that the thing we desire most is actually what God desires most for us, is actually working to make happen with us and for us, something in us changes. Rather, recalibrates.

Our hearts are always drawn by desire to something or someone or someplace, but when that desire is attached to “the true object” our hearts can be, as the psalmist contends, “the highways to Zion (God’s dwelling)” (Psalm 84:5). Our hearts, when drawn to what God desires for us, lead us to Him, and make us a blessing for others along the way:

Blessed are those whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. As they go through the lonesome and dry valleys, they make it a place of springs; the early rain [providential grace] also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in His dwelling. (Psalm 84:5-7)

So this week, let us pray together, with and for one another, for hearts that desire what God desires and then follow our hearts to Him. Pray with me…

Spirit of Truth, show us the heart of the Father,

and what He desires for us.

Give us eyes to see His heart in Jesus.

Unite our hearts with Jesus’,

that we might live in awe and wonder and obedience in Your love.

Let the fullness of our recalibrated hearts be a source of life

to those desperate for something that will last.

Thank you, Father, for working in us,

to give us the desire and the power to do what You desire,

always arriving home.

In Jesus name, amen.