A Couple More Turns

Creation’s cadence is simple enough: Sabbath into work…work into Sabbath…and back again. Yet the beat of our divined whole and holy rhythm of ordinary life is not so easy to keep amid the cacophony of rhymes and siren’s song that seem to never cease. So, perhaps we need a couple more turns praying the rhythm into our hearts.

This week, we pray together again an adaption of Ruth Ann Schuringa’s prayer for our hearts to beat in sync with the Creator’s.

Father, when is enough, enough?

When can we rest in knowing we have done enough?


The endless striving and busyness are never done!

Good Shepherd, teach us how to rest.

Jesus, we need a different way forward.

We long for gentle rest, for sabbath,

for your presence of peace.

Abba Father, teach us to slow down.

Forgive us our pride,

our certainty that more is better,

our insistence that we are indispensable,

our striving for that which does not ultimately satisfy.

Good Shepherd, teach us how to rest.

Father, help us live into the gift of your beautiful, never-ending grace.

Holy Spirit, help us see that in you we are enough,

formed and fashioned in your good design for your good destiny.

Wonderful are your works; may our souls know it very well!

May our work be a beautiful, generous offering of love to you, Jesus.

May it spill over to the people and the world you made.

May we flourish in our work, because we are always resting in you.

Good Shepherd, teach us how to rest Amen.