Where Jesus Is

In his “High Priestly Prayer” found in John 17, Jesus prayed for you and me, and we,

Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.

What Jesus desires for you, me, and we; is for us to be with him where he is, where he is active and living and working. And being with him, see the beauty of his life, the light of life and love shining from his presence. And where is Jesus? As Dylan helped us see on Sunday, Jesus is often in the places and people we’d tend to avoid unless he leads us there.

So this week, because we desire what Jesus desires for us, let us pray for strength, the courage, and the compassion required to be with and see Jesus wherever he leads.

Father, we confess that stepping into the unknown, even with you, is a bit disconcerting. Our hearts long to trust you, so help our unbelief, especially when the way ancient and everlasting is anything but smooth sailing.

Jesus, thank you that your desire is for us to join you in your glorious life. A life that has given us our lives, freeing us to live and move and have our being. A life lived in the clarity of your knowledge. Help us to see that what has been given to us, you desire for all, and are presently working towards your desire today.

Holy Spirit, strengthen our inner being, so that Jesus might dwell in our hearts and we might know the vastness of his love for us. In your loving strength, let us share the heart of our Father for those in our lives whom you are leading us to. And let us speak of the goodness of your Son to all who will hear. 

Let our words and our actions and our affections be yours, cultivating your life in those we see today. In Jesus we live and with Jesus we pray. Amen.