On The Eleventh Day of Christmas...

On The Edge | Malcolm Guite

Christmas sets the centre on the edge;

The edge of town, out-buildings of an inn,

The fringe of empire, far from privilege

And power, on the edge and outer spin

Of turning worlds, a margin of small stars

That edge a galaxy itself light years

From some unguessed-at cosmic origin.

Christmas sets the centre at the edge.

And from this day our world is re-aligned;

A tiny seed unfolding in the womb

Becomes the source from which we all unfold

And flower into being. We are healed,

The End begins, the tomb becomes a womb,

For now in him all things are re-aligned.

On The Tenth Day of Christmas...

Mary | Malcolm Guite

You bore for me the One who came to bless

And bear for all, to make the broken whole.

You heard his call, and in your open ‘yes’

You spoke aloud for every living soul.

Oh gracious Lady, child of your child,

Whose mother-love still calls the child in me,

Call me again, for I am lost and wild

Waves surround me now. On this dark sea

Shine as a star and call me to the shore.

Open a door that all my sins would close

And hold me in your garden. Let me share

The prayer that fold the petals of the Rose.

Enfold me too in love’s last mystery,

And bring me to the One you bore for me.

On The Ninth Day of Christmas...

O Emmanuel | Malcolm Guite

You’ve come, You’ve come, to be our God-with-us,

O long-sought with-ness for a world without,

O secret seed, O hidden spring of light.

You’ve Come to us Wisdom, you’ve come unspoken Name,

O quickened little wick so tightly curled,

You’re folded with us into time and place,

You’ve unfolded for us the mystery of grace

And made a womb of all this wounded world.

O heart of heaven beating in the earth,

O tiny hope within our hopelessness,

You’ve come, born to bear us to our birth,

To touch a dying world with new-made hands

And made these rags of tie our swaddling bands.

On The Seventh Day of Christmas...

O Rex Gentium | Malcolm Guite

O King of our desire whom we despise,

King of the nations never on the throne,

Unfounded foundation, cast-off cornerstone,

Rejected joiner, making many one:

You have no form or beauty for our eyes,

A King who comes to give away his crown,

A King within our rags of flesh and bone.

We pierce the flesh that pierces our disguise,

For we ourselves are found in you alone.

You’ve Come to us now and found in us your throne,

O King within the child within the clay,

O hidden King who shapes us in the play

Of all creation. Shape us for the day

Your coming Kingdom comes into its own.

On The Sixth Day of Christmas...

O Oriens | Malcolm Guite

First light and then first lines along the east

To touch and brush a sheen on light on water,

As though behind the sky itself they traced

The shift and shimmer of another river

Flowing unbidden from its hidden source;

The Day-Spring, the eternal Prima Vera.

Are bathing in it now, away upstream…

So every trace of light begins a grace

In me, a beckoning. The smallest gleam

Is somehow a beginning and a calling:

‘Sleeper awake, the darkness was a dream

For you will see the Dayspring at your waking,

Beyond your long last line the dawn is breaking.’

On The Fifth Day of Christmas...

O Clavis | Malcolm Guite

Even in the darkness where I sit

And huddle in the midst of misery

I can remember freedom, but forget

That every lock must answer to a key,

That each dark clasp, sharp and intimate,

Must find a counter-clasp to meet its guard.

Particular, exact and intricate,

The clutch and catch that meshes with its ward.

I cried out for the key I threw away

That turned and over turned with certain touch

And with the lovely lifting of a latch

Opened my darkness to the light of day.

You’ve come again, come quickly, have set me free,

Cut to the quick to fit, the master key.

On The Fourth Day of Christmas...

O Radix | Malcolm Guite

All of us sprung from one deep-hidden seed,

Rose from a root invisible to all.

We knew the virtues once of every weed,

But, severed form the roots of ritual,

We surf the surface of a wide-screen world

And find no virtue in the virtual.

We shrivel on the edges of the wood

Whose heart we once inhabited in love,

Now we have need of you, forgotten Root,

The stock and stem of every living thing

Whom once we worshipped in the sacred grove,

For now is winter, now is withering

Unless we let you root us deep within,

Under the ground of being, you’ve grafted us in.

On The Third Day of Christmas...

“If Advent is the season of waiting, Christmas is the season of wonder,” so may this poem and the ones to follow aid us in our wondering at heaven’s answer to our heart's deepest pleas.

O Adonai | Malcolm Guite

Unsayable, you chose to speak one tongue;

Unseeable, you gave yourself away;

The Adonai, the Tetragrammaton

Grew by a wayside in the light of day.

O you who dared to be a tribal God,

To own a language, people, and place,

Who chose to be exploited and betrayed,

If so you might be met with face to face:

You’ve Come to us here, who would not find you there,

Who chose to know the skin and not the pith,

Who heard no more than thunder in the air,

Who marked the mere events and not the myth;

You’ve Touched the bare branches of our unbelief

And blazed again like fire in every leaf.

December 17th | O Wisdom

This is the first of our seven O Antiphons. Prayers that have been sung by our faith family for centuries. Sung so that the quickening pace of Christmas is not just all the things on our calendars but the longing in our hearts.

In case you are interested, the tune which I sing them is from (appropriately!) O Come O Come Emmanuel. Let us rejoice in praying together:

O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High,
reaching from one end to the other mightily,
and sweetly ordering all things:
Come and teach us the way of prudence.

Orthodox Advent Prayers | Three

One final time this Advent season, let us join with our sisters and brothers in the Orthodox Church and beyond, and pray together for the Spirit to stir amongst us the Name that is our deepest longing...

O Lord, stir up the hearts of our neighbors, friends, and family
you have established your house and your kingdom forever
through your Son Jesus Christ.
Reveal your saving purpose and your holy love to us,
and move our hearts to faith and obedience;
through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

Eastern Advent Prayers

In the Orthodox tradition, the “stir up prayers” are spoken one each Sunday of Advent. Let us join with our sisters and brothers around the globe and pray these prayers for our faith family today, and in the week to come. Let us stir up one another by seeking the Spirit’s movement…

Stir up your power, O Lord, and come.
Keep us watchful and ready for the day and hour of your return.
Empower us with the gifts and strength we need,
and keep us faithful to the end;
through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

From the Ages

Our particular stories of faith, as Hebrews 11 and the season of Advent so aptly remind us, are written within the page of The Story. While knowing this truth is important and helpful, it is by praying this truth that the power of faith’s history takes hold of our hearts.

So this week, let us pray together this prayer from the ages— prayer adapted from John Ballie.

Father of our ancestors, we cry out to you. You have been teh refuge of good and wise, prodigals and prostitutes in every generation. You are the beginning of history, the light of life which enlightens every woman and man to realize their full humanity. Throughout the ages you have been the Lord and giver of life, the source of knowledge, and the fountain of all goodness.

The patriarchs & matriarchs, like Abraham and Ruth, trusted you and were not put to shame;

The prophets & prophetesses, like Isaiah and Anna, sought you and put your words on their lips;

The psalmists, like David, and the humble like Mary, rejoiced in you and youer were present in their songs;

The apostles, like Peter, and disciples like Martha and Mary, waited for you and were filled with your Spirit;

The martyrs, like Stephen and Felcity, called upon you and you were with them in the flames;

Our poor souls called, and have been heard by the Lord, and have been saved from every trouble.

Father, you have always been there, you are with us now, and you endure forever;

We thank you for this well-worn Christian path, a way ancient and ever-lasting,

a road beaten hard by the footsteps of saints, apostles, prophets, and martyrs.

Thank you for sign posts and warning signals which are there at every corner and which we can understand through the study of Scripture and history, through great literature and the stories of others in your Spirit.

Above all, we give you sincere and humble thanks for the great gift of Jesus Christ, the pioneer of faith.

We praise you that we have been born in an age and a land where we can know his name, and that we are not called to face any temptation or trail which he did not endure.

Holy Father, help us to profit from these great memories of the ages gone by, and help us to enter into the glorious inheritance which you have prepared for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Chose Again

Many of our habits, routines, rhythms, and practices as a faith family are not in and of themselves means of instant spiritual transformation and maturation—though we are grateful when in our structured life of faith, we meet the flowering of the Spirit’s fruit and clarity! In truth, much of what we do each week is “choose again what we chose before.” We remind ourselves and are reminded by others of the commitments that keep us moving in the right direction.

So this week, let’s choose again what we chose last week, to commit our way to the LORD together. And to “do good” as we dwell in the land, ever open and listening for our particular call.

Trust in LORD and DO GOOD; DWELL IN THE LAND and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. COMMIT YOUR WAY to the LORD; trust him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light…(Psalm 37:3-6)

Let’s pray:

Father, into your hands we commit our day and the week ahead. We commit, in Your strength and grace, to do good in whatever way is required of us in our homes, in our workplaces, in our neighborhoods, in the unexpected places and persons You lead us. We commit, in the life of Jesus, to trust and delight in You, to keep our hearts soft to You. Father, into your hands we commit our spirit!