A Lovely Wait

Dear Faith Family,

I said on Sunday that fasting is a natural reaction in the organic process of maturing as whole and holy humans. Fasting is our bodily response that unites our emotions (heart) with God's heart and actions in particular (often grievous) "sacred moments." 

While fasting is natural, it is certainly not normal, at least for most of us. The choice to forgo food for a set period of time is one habit we are more than happy to classify as "for them" and "not for me"! Whether out of timidity, misunderstanding, or legitimate concerns, fasting is a practice in which we are unpracticed. 

And yet, our scriptures and our Savior assume that we would be people who fast (see, for example, Matt. 6:16-18 and 9:14-17 and see what word Jesus puts before "fast"!). So, for the next several weeks, we will put into practice what Jesus assumes we will do as his disciples and fast together

To help us practice fasting with a heart that aligns with Jesus', I want us to not just fast together but worship together too. Specifically, on the days we fast, let's join in worship with this song which  Chaz lead us to sing on Sunday: 


"A Lovely Wait" is a helpful reminder that fasting is about being with the One who satisfies all aches in body and soul. We fast to join with Jesus and our Father in the midst of weighty moments, and when we keep to the heart of fasting, delaying the fill of our stomachs can truly be "A lovely wait..."

May your hunger and thirst for righteousness find satisfaction, my friends.

Love you faith family. God bless.