Continuing From The Start

Dear Faith Family,  

Where do you expect to meet God?

What do you expect to give witness to God's power, purposes, and providence? 

Those are the questions compelled by the first Jesus conversation in our All About Jesus series. As we discussed on Sunday, Jesus both "throws down" our culturally accepted expectations while simultaneously "builds another" anticipation of the place and witness of life from, through, and to Him. 

My invitation to you this week is to continue what we started on Sunday. If you missed the Gathering, take a few minutes to listen to the sermon here. Then, in a quiet place with the Spirit and with your Gospel Community or a spiritual companion, consider your experiences of life with God and ask: 

  • What are the places where I expected to meet God and be a witness to God that Jesus has "thrown down"?

  • What (who) has He raised in their place?

Whether the meditation and conversations lead to some new insight or not, in the Spirit and with those following Jesus with you, conclude your time offering up your expectations and experiences to Jesus as we seek to learn to live in the reality that it really is All About Jesus

"...all things were created through him and for him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church."
(Colossians 1:16-18)

Love you, faith family! God bless.