Do You Have at Least One Ear?

Dear Faith Family,

I love Jesus, for many reasons. Not the least of which being his ever-repeating invitation to live. Not just exist or get-by or even to figure it out, but to use my born faculties to really live.

The invitation that fills the Gospels and concludes each letter to the seven-churches goes like this: "He who has an ear, let him hear..." All you need, it seems, is one working ear! Not even the set! An ear to hear Jesus calling you into the life he's given for you to walk in. A new life, full and forever. 

As Dan challenged us on Sunday, we'll we listen? Will we throw off the distractions that keep us from hearing the powerful invitation of Jesus to live, really live? Will we use what God's given us to lead the lives God's calling us into? 

May Malcolm Guite's poem draw us into using our ears this week. Love you, faith family. God bless! 

How hard to hear the things I think I know, 
To peel aside the thin familiar film
That wraps and seals your secret just below: 
An undiscovered good, a hidden realm, 
A kingdom of reversal, where the poor 
Are rich in blessing and the tragic rich 
Still struggle, trapped in trappings at the door
They never opened, Life just out of reach ...

Open the door for me and take me there. 
Love, take my hand and lead me like the blind, 
Unbandage me, unwrap me from my fear, 
Open my eyes, my heart, my soul, my mind. 
I struggle with these grave clothes, this dark earth, 
But you are calling, 'Lazarus, come forth!'