Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Faith Family,  

I know it's a few hours early, but Happy Thanksgiving! Wherever you find yourself, know that you are known and loved and are a significant part for what the Pace family is giving thanks. 

As you take a moment today or tomorrow to consider the graces of your life, I invite you to share the prayer below adapted from John Ballie. Love you, faith family! God bless.

Father and Maker of all things, whose creative power made the first ray of light, and who looked on the world's first morning and saw that it was good, We praise you for the light and life of another day and another year. 

We praise you for the life that stirs within us; 
We praise you for the bright and beautiful world around us; 
We praise you for the work you have given us to do; 
for all you have reverently made us to be;
We praise you for our friends, our family, and our communities of faith;
We praise you for all the graces great and small, of life in Your life. 

Father, you are everlasting Grace; give us tender hearts today toward all those who, in the light of another day, are less joyful than we. 

Those in whom the pulse of life grows weak--physically, spiritually, body and soul; 
Those blind to the light of your life in them; 
The overworked, who have no choice but to strive; 
The bereaved, whose hearts and homes are desolate; 
Let your grace pour over them. 

Father of Light that never fades, let us open to you our hearts, that all our lives might be filled with the radiance of your presence. Let the Spirit of Jesus, whose life is the light of all people, rule within our hearts as long as we call this day, 'Today.' Amen.