Listen Up!

Dear Faith Family,

One of my favorite parables of Jesus was titled by one pastor simply, Manure. "put on manure," says the main character of Jesus' story, "Tend the soil and add a little stinky fertilizer, then we'll see what fruit will come."

Don't let the rather vivid simplicity of this parable fool you. This short story found in Luke 13:1-9 is profoundly revelatory. Through the words of Jesus, how we believe God acts towards us and others...and how he actually responds to our assumptions all come to light. 

Don't believe me? Then take a listen. Seriously, listen up to Chaz as he helps us enter into the words of the Word. It's well worth your time. 

After you listen to the story, let me encourage you to do one more thing this week: ADDRESS THE VINEDRESSER. 

"he said to the vinedresser..." 
(Luke 13:7)

ASK | What or whom am I giving up on? What calling,  situation, or person seems like a waste of space and energy. Whether in the unuttered quiet of your heart or in the cries of your prayers, what "fruitless fig" are you asking/believing/telling God you've given up on?

LISTEN | Once you've discovered and named the apparent fruitless and resource-sucking "tree" in your life, just as the landowner in the story does, listen to the Vinedesser's response. Then, let the Vinedresser continue His cultivation a little longer. 

May we be people who listen up, seeing the fruit of our Father's persistent patience in us and those we are ready to give up on. 

Love you, faith family! God bless.