Oh Summer!

Dear Faith Family,

How are you feeling about summer so far? We're now at the halfway point of the season when it's culturally acceptable to slow down, get away, and rest (even if just a little), so how's it going? Do you feel the restoration and freedom of summer's leisurely character?

I've certainly experienced summers where my answer would emphatically be yes. But, if I am honest, I'm feeling more of the transitional character of the season this year. 

For all its billing of relaxing and getting away, summer rarely is a season of stopping, at least entirely. In actuality, most summers are an elongated (hopefully leisurely) season for transition. The transition might be from one grade to the next, like the twins moving from 4th to 5th. Or the change may be from one job or home to the next. Did you know that it's estimated that 80% of moves take place this time of year?! Maybe the transition is from one life stage to the next; think of all the weddings! Or the anticipation is simply the return of a "normal" pace and schedule. Regardless, summer inherently brings a level of expectation for the future and all the emotions accompanying change (both the good and the not-so-good!). 

It's the anticipation for the future that is especially marking this summer, at least for me. Sometimes the expectation is exciting, but sometimes the hope for what's next is a bit overwhelming, partly because it comes during a time when everything slows down so that it feels like little can get done! 

Still, just as sure as summer's heat will end, I know what's next is sure to arrive. Admittedly, as is the case with this summer's temps, the expectation for the future only increases the unease of the present! So what are we to do in the draw-out transition? Besides praying "Come quickly" to God for summer's end! 

Well, for me, the Lord keeps bringing me back to Psalm 34, 

"Young lions on the prowl suffer want, get hungry, 
but GOD-seekers are full of GOD, lacking no good thing." 
(Ps. 34:10)

I've found that when I feel the future's draw coupled with the present's drag, or when I long for summer's end so what's next can begin, that's in those moments when the Spirit leads me to seek our Father. Not something from Him, just Him. And that's when I get to experience summer's restful nature. 

So, if, like me, you feel this summer is less like a break and more like a transition (with all the accompanying emotions), allow those feelings to draw you into the presence of God. Instead of letting your mind and heart wander into the future or get flustered by the slower pace of the season, allow your longings to bring you to the place of God. A place where you can ask and seek and knock, knowing the door will always open, praying not for what's next but as communion with the One who has found us. 

If it helps, I have included below what I pray when these summertime emotions rise. Feel free to join me as one sharing the sentiments or sharing a burden; both would be greatly welcomed and appreciated! 

Love you, faith family! God bless! 

Father, you meet me more than halfway! Where I am going, that's where you've come from!

What have I to fear? Why am I so anxious, so restless, in such a hurry?! It's certainly not because I haven't tasted and seen Your goodness. Oh, how good You are!

So, search me, Father who knows me and loves me. See clearly my heart and its longing for more of You, and lead me along the Way to tomorrow in You.

Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.