Open to the Normal

Dear Faith Family,

Each Sunday for the past five Sundays, we've responded to a time of focused attention on Jesus through song and scripture by sharing a meal. Each week extending our worship in the enjoyment of food and friendship.

It will be strange not to do so again this Sunday! But that's kind of the point. What we have experienced over this past month is, I believe, meant to be the norm: sharing meals in the company of friends...including Jesus!

What we observed in the stories of Jesus "eating and drinking" with any and everyone was nothing less than the welcome of God. God at the table with us, demonstrating his compassion for us over a simple supper. Jesus' "mission" to seek and save, free and restore, and see his Father's kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, culminating around this common space and daily necessity.

It's quite genius, really. Jesus choosing to embody God's kingdom in such an ordinary space and activity meant we'd naturally find ourselves with the opportunity to do the same. After all, everyone has to eat! And, if, like Jesus, we are open to the welcome of the Father, willing to open our lives/tables to others, and prayerfully aware of their openness as well, we too might experience the abundance in such simplicity.

My prayer for us, faith family, is that not regularly sharing a meal with friends...and Jesus, would continue to feel strange! And that we (and our neighbors) would find in our openness to this normal practice, the transforming nearness of God here, right now.

Love you, faith family! God bless.

While we don't have the resources for a weekly meal for the entire faith family, we will get back into the habit of sharing a collective lunch at least once a month! The next will be either the 19th or 26th of this month. More details as we get closer!