Out of Lenten Lands

Dear Faith Family,

It's hard to believe that our pilgrimage through the season of Lent is nearing our destination. The downward journey we began some thirty-plus days ago, following Jesus into the depths of the death of (old) self and sin, has us ascending with Jesus into life best described as "free." 

Psalm 130 led us to this final lesson of Lent, that dying to (old) self and sin is being set free from the things and ways of life that imprison us. So, as we make the final turn out of the shadowy valleys of death to the green pastures of life whole and holy in God, take some time this week to thank our Father for your freedom. Consider what ways of thinking, believing, and behaving have/are changing. What fears, anxieties, and ambitions have/are being reoriented. The signs of resurrection, new life, in your relationship with God and others you are seeing. 

Remember, that's what we "watch people" do, keep a trusting, clear out for the breaking of dawn in our lives and one another's. Waiting and hoping in the LORD! "For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is plenteous redemption." (Ps. 130:7). 

Your loving spirit led me forth, my bonds
Were broken, and I took the pilgrim path
Towards your Easter, out of Lenten lands. 

(Malcolm Guite)