You’ll notice that prayer is a common occurrence in the Book of Acts. The apostles pray both as individuals and as groups regularly and usually they stop to pray in the ordinary rhythm of living and activity. In other words, they don’t always feel it necessary to make prayer a big production, they simply stop and pray—in real time—according to the need of the present moment.

You’ll also notice that they pray for all kinds of different things, sometimes praying for themselves and for one another, other times praying for those around them who were in need either physically or spiritually. They pray for and through everything from decision making and planning (1:24; 13:1), miracles of healing and deliverance (9:36; 28:8), escaping from prison (12:5; 16:25), and even while being martyred (7:59) just to name a few! Why do they pray like this? Because they pray with an expectation that (1) God is acting and (2) if any of their ‘acts’ are going to be effective, they need to act with the Holy Spirit, as those who depend on God . Do you pray like this? Why or why not?

Below you will find a prayer guide to help you pray individually, as a household, or with a larger group like your Gospel Community. It is specifically designed to encourage and cultivate a life of prayerful witness as we proclaim Christ in the everyday, specifically asking God to open our eyes and ears, soften our hearts, loosen our tongues, and move our hands and feet in love towards those around us who do not yet know and love Jesus. May we see our neighbors with compassion, ourselves as laborers, and the harvest as plentiful!

“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” - Luke 9:35-38

Note: This summer as we discuss the book/podcast on “dechurching” in America, try to connect the ideas, statistics, figures, and concepts presented there with actual people in your life—family, friends, coworkers, neighbors—and pray for them by name. Who are those people in your life who simply need to be invited back?

Lord, open my eyes and ears, soften my heart, loosen my tongue, and move my hands and feet in love towards those who do not yet know and love You, Jesus.

Lord, Open My Eyes:

  • Who in my life do I sense God is actively pursuing in the current season—specifically through my relationship with them? Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers?

  • What keeps me from seeing clearly those persons and relationships as opportunities for ministry, spiritual conversation, and sharing the Gospel? Distractions, busyness?

  • Who are the person(s) in my life that God may be inviting me to move towards by deepening our relationship? (i.e. Who did I overlook in Question #1?)

Pause and pray.

Lord, Open My Ears:

  • Who in my life has expressed a desire to know God or a curiosity about matters of faith?

  • What keeps me from listening to others well? A restless or anxious mind, selfishness?

  • Who in my life has shared the ways they are struggling or suffering right now? Or that they are longing for ‘more’ in life?

Pause and pray.

Lord, Soften My Heart:

  • What keeps me from engaging with others in spiritual conversation or from sharing my own faith journey? Indifference, lack of compassion?

  • Who in my life—specific people or ‘types’ of people—am I hard-hearted towards? Why?

  • What kinds of emotions are stirred in me by the phrase “sharing the Gospel?”

Pause and pray.

Lord, Loosen My Tongue:

  • When was the last time I shared my love for Jesus with a non-Christian?

  • What keeps me from speaking about Jesus with other people? Fear, apathy?

  • Who can I share my faith story with in the coming week that hasn’t heard it before?

Pause and pray.

Lord, Move My Hands and Feet:

  • Who in my life could use my help? How can I serve and/or bless them?

  • Is there anything about the way I live that keeps people at a distance? In my schedule, values, or priorities?

  • How do my specific skills and abilities meet a need in my neighborhood, workplace, or city?

Pause and pray.

In Love:

  • What does it mean to “love my neighbor as myself?”

  • Am I “controlled and compelled by the love of Christ?” (2 Cor. 5:14) Would the people in my life think so? Why or why not?

  • Do I live from a spirit of fear? Or from a spirit of “power, love, and self-control?” (2 Tim. 1:6)

Pause and pray.