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The Great Dechurching by Davis, Graham, & Burge


Listen to the podcast!


We are in the midst of the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history with some 40 million people having left “church” over the last 25 years. And while the statement and stats are overwhelming and sound bleak, the same date reveals that nearly two-thirds of those who have “dechurched” would be willing to return if only they were invited by a friend. That’s the argument The Great Dechurching makes as it paints a picture of the “dechurched” who happen to look a lot like our neighbors, co-workers, friends, family, and even some of us!

Over the Summer, we will be prayerfully engaging and discussing this shift in our context by reading The Great Dechurching and/or listening to Season 3 of the author’s podcast. Our desire is to see in the issue particular people in our lives, and the opportunity we have to participate in the Spirit’s pursuit of those around us, so that together we might see the dechurched, rechurched.

Here’s how you can join in…


June 26th | You need only to have read or listened to chapters 1-2 of the book and/or Episodes 1-2 (season 3) of the podcast.

July 24th | Read/listen to chapters 3-7 in the book and/or listen to Episodes 3-6 of the podcast.

August 28th | Finish the book and/or the podcast

All Discussions Will Take Be At Lynn & Karen’s Starting @ 6:30 PM.

Questions or Directions? Email Us!