A Storied Blessing

Having experienced the in-breaking of God’s Kingdom in ways only imagined through children’s eyes, Jesus’ first disciples return to tell him all about their fantastical adventure (Lk. 10:1-11, 17). to which Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and prayed,

“I thank you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children.; yes, Father, for so it pleased you well.” (Lk. 10:21)

What pleased the Father? What did he hide from the wise and reveal to little children? The answer, at least in part, is that the disciples realized in faith and sight that they were caught in a real and grand story. The story of salvation…theirs and their neighbors (Lk. 10:18-20). In step with Jesus’ joyful proclamation, let us pray together a Storied Blessing over one another this week. This prayer is quoted from S.D. Smith.

May the Ancient Author bless and keep you. May the Holy Hero be your rescuer forever. May the Story find you, through every painful passage, at home with him in the end. May you delight in his love and exalt in his victory then. May you always aspire to live as a character you admire. May you know the delight of finding out that the Story isn’t mainly about you. May you know and love the truth and be brave to obey it. May you make a hard dart at the darkness with whatever light you bring, reflecting, like the moon, a light far brighter than you own. May God give you joy!