Plunging Prayer

Jesus’ final prayer from the cross in Luke’s gospel is not a resigning exhale, a giving up of himself to the circumstances, but rather, a deep trusting breath as he plunged fully into His person and place. Here, on the cross, was where he was meant to be, where only he could be. And here, is where his true identity and role within salvation’s history would be truly known.

The same is true for us on our “daily crosses” (Lk. 9:23). There, when we give up, losing our self (absorption, fulfillment, ambition) for the sake of another, we find our true selves (Lk. 9:24). So, this week, as we follow Jesus to our daily crosses, let us pray with Jesus from the cross. Taking in a deep trusting breath, and plunging ourselves wholly into who we are and what we are a part of today.

With Jesus, we pray today, and every day,

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!