"Lord Teach Us..."

The one time the disciples as Jesus to teach them something, the one time rather than learning through observation they desire to learn through a lesson, they ask Jesus to teach them…what, do you think? Teach them to stay steadfast and do the right things? Teach them to overcome the enemy? Teach them what to know about God?

Each of those would have been a good thing to learn. Yet what the disciples ask Jesus to teach them was not a lesson on morality or kingdom advancement or even theology. Instead, they asked “Lord, teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1). Haven learned from Jesus along their journies for nearly three years, Jesus’ apprentices recognized that what is most important is not what you know, but who. They came to realize that a truly “blessed” life—one morally sound, kingdom strong, and biblical wise—came through relationship, communion, and conversation with God.

The same is true for you and I, so over the next several weeks, we’ll follow the disciples’ lead, asking Jesus to teach us to pray and letting his lesson sink into our hearts and out of our mouths.

This week, take a few minutes to pray Jesus’ prayer three times. After each cycle, give yourself a minute to sit in the relational simplicity of Jesus’ conversation.

Now, let’s pray as Jesus teaches us in Luke 11:2-4 (MSG)


Reveal who you are.

Set the world right.

Keep us alive with three square meals.

Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.

Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.