An Open Door

When a disciple asked Jesus to teach he and his fellow apprentices to pray, he probably expected something similar to what he learned growing up: a route prayer. Maybe Jesus’ prayer would sound different, use different words than the Shema, but ultimately, it would be another collection of words whose force was felt through repetition. Yet, what the disciple wanted, and what Jesus wanted for his followers, was not a fresh version of the same old thing, but something wholly new. New words, yes, but also a new expectation for prayer.

Jesus desires us not to merely pray memorized words, but to pray which the expectation of communion. We know this because Jesus not only gives a model prayer but also shares a parable and poem that gets us into the right state of mind (heart) for prayer (see Lk. 11:5-13).

With our expectations rightly aligned, expecting to be received by our Father, and to receive Him, the words of Jesus’ prayer become more than a model, they become a doorway into an actual relationship—which is the source of Jesus’ power and joy.

So this week, slowly pray the words Jesus taught us below. But this time, as the Holy Spirit leads, let your conversation with God lead you into more intimate prayer.

For example, when praying “Keep us safe…” name the “us.” Your family or friends, our faith family, a neighbor, or co-worker. Let yourself be taken by the Spirit into prayer for God’s presence and work in another. Praying with God for those in your life.

Whatever word or phrase opens the door to communion, take it! Now, let’s pray with Jesus Luke 11:2-4 (MSG).


Reveal who you are.

Set the world right.

Keep us alive with what we need to be full.

Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.

Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.