Praying Like Lions

Psalm 34:10 reads,

Young lions on the prowl suffer want, get hungry,

but GOD-seekers are full of God,

lacking no good thing.

The psalmist pens these words amid the praise of being one whose prayers are heard (v. 4, 7) and who has “tasted and seen that the LORD is good” (v. 8). In such a place, knowing you’ve been heard, your desires known, your petition accepted, your person welcomed; it’s no surprise to have the vigor and confidence of a young lion out to conquer our prey. The psalmist, not wanting to temper our passion or courage even a single degree, nevertheless refocuses our zeal towards its effective goal: “seeking God.”

No matter what we are praying for, our aim is nothing less than life with God, God himself. And, as the psalmist reminds us, when our vigor and confidence are thus focused, we’ll get what we are after: “those who seek the LORD, lack no good thing.”

So this week, as we lament the brokenness and evil in our world and pursue new and better partnerships in our future (and all the daily things in-between), let us do so with the assurance of our Father’s ear and zealousness for life with Him—His kingdom coming, His will done, on earth as it is in heaven. Let’s pray together:

Father, we are determined and ready to bless you every chance we get, knowing when we seek you, you answer us, meeting us more than halfway, delivering us from our fears, healing our sickness, covering our guilt, satisfying our hunger, and raising us from death.

Father, we are zealous for life! Ready today for your beauty to arise. For neighbors and friends and family to taste and see, with us and through us, that you are good!

May we keep our tongues from evil and our lips from speaking the deciet which fills our airways, screens, and hearts. Let us be quick to turn from evil and do good, speak peace, and pursue it in every relationship and role in which we daily live.

We seek you, Father! Through Jesus we pray with passion and confidence.
