Not To Forget

Psalm 78 recounts the grace of God and God’s people’s forgetting. As much as we’d like to think we have advanced beyond our faith forefathers and mothers, the truth is, we are just as prone to “forget what God had done and the miracles that he had shown” us (78:11). And the problem with forgetting is that forgetting quickly gets us off rhythm “They did not keep God’s covenant, but refused to walk according to the law” (78:10).

So, this week, as we remember what God has done and continues to do, let us join in this prayer for ourselves and one another. Adapted from a prayer from Eugene Peterson.

Jesus, cure me, cure us, of our amnesia. Put my memory to work in reflecting on all the ways you have saved and blessed. Imprint these memories on our minds so that no trail or pain will arrive unaccompanied by the expectation that you will guard and guide us. Engrave upon my heart your ever-present grace, that we may see your kingdom come and will done in every season. Amen.