Plain But Not Easy

We’ll continue praying the plain and personal expectations of God for us and our neighbors from Micah 6:6-8 again this week. But our focus will shift from our poor assumptions of God’s desire, to what he has “made plain..”

While God’s Word to us is straightforward, it is not easy Doing justice, what is fair and good to others; all while loving kindness, being compassionate and consistent in our affections, takes more strength than we often feel is ours.

So this week, pray God’s Word through Micah three times. As you read the emboldened texts, confess your desire what is plain and simple, but not easy. Allow yourself to be strengthened by the power of the Spirit in your inner being so that you might be able to live the way Jesus lives in you. Sit in the words and silence long enough to finish the prayer with the energy of our Father’s heart for and through you.

Father, how can we stand before YOU

and show proper respect to our GOD of gods?

Do You desire us to bring an armload of offerings

topped off with our finest possessions?

Would You, Father, be impressed with if we emptied our bank accounts,

poured out to You buckets and barrels of all that we can produce?

Father, would You be moved if we sacrificed our firstborn, the precious fruit of our body for the sin of our soul?

No?! That’s not what You require. You’ve already made it plain how to live, what to do,

what You, Father, are looking for in humanity, in us.

It’s quite simple, and personal You say:

Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,

be compassionate and loyal in your love,

And don’t take yourselves too seriously—

take You and You with us, seriously.

That’s it! And if we know what is good for us, we’ll listen.