Praying for the "Not This"

Last week we began praying the plain and personal expectations of God for us and our neighbors. This week, we continue to pray ourselves and neighbors into God’s Word from Micah 6:6-8. We’ll do so by focusing on the “not this” portion of God’s desires.

Often we—and those most in need, most desperate for God’s favor, clarity, and interceeding—offer to God what he doesn’t want. We think if we give him what we assume he desires, we’ll receive what we desire. Micah helps us pray through these wrong assumptions, giving us the opportunity to let us hear anew what God actually requires.

So this week, pray God’s Word through Micah three times. As you read the emboldened texts, let your heart confess where/how you are assuming good offerings, and wondering why they aren’t paying off. Sit in the silence and words long enough to consider what your neighbor, co-worker, or friend might be offering to God and finding only frustration as well. Confess that for him/her, then finish the prayer for you both.

Father, how can we stand before YOU

and show proper respect to our GOD of gods?

Do You desire us to bring an armload of offerings

topped off with our finest possessions?

Would You, Father, be impressed with if we emptied our bank accounts,

poured out to You buckets and barrels of all that we can produce?

Father, would You be moved if we sacrificed our firstborn, the precious fruit of our body for the sin of our soul?

No?! That’s not what You require. You’ve already made it plain how to live, what to do,

what You, Father, are looking for in humanity, in us.

It’s quite simple, and personal You say:

Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,

be compassionate and loyal in your love,

And don’t take yourselves too seriously—

take You and You with us, seriously.

That’s it! And if we know what is good for us, we’ll listen.