Praying With Jesus

Jesus does so many things for us, the least not being that he prays for us. Yes, Jesus prays for us.

Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. (Romans 8:34)

We do not just pray to Jesus; Jesus prays for us. Consider that for a moment. Jesus right now is entering the presence of the Father for you, seeking our Father’s will and favor and peace and protection for you. Praying that you would know His voice and recognize His presence throughout the day.

With the image of Jesus praying for you in your mind, let us pray together for a heart of prayer.

Jesus, thank you for praying for me, right now. Open my heart to prayer, to your prayers and to praying with you. Let my prayers join yours, and my life be an answer to your prayers. In your name. Amen.