Sharing the Story

Lord willing, Jesus’ words, his stories, and his conversations through his Samaritan travels has opened our eyes to the vast and amazing realities taking place within those all around us, even the ones we easily overlook (or purposely avoid). The word for this often unseen reality is Kingdom: God calling, welcoming, sustaining, doing justice, saving. “Kingdom,” contends Eugene Peterson, “is what is going on all the time, whether we are aware of it or not.”

Last week we prayed in faith, with the conviction of Kingdom’s unseen realities, a simple prayer that gets our lives in on Kingdom action. This week, we pray in faith, with the assurance of Kingdom’s hope, another simple prayer that keeps our lives active in Kingdom activity.

Let’s pray together these words adapted from the Tell It Slant Study Guide.

God of history, your saving love is the plot of humanity’s story. Your Kingdom coming, the reality shaping our daily lives. Keep us in the middle of your story and boldly sharing your story with others. In Jesus. Amen.