A Vinedresser's Prayer

Jesus’ parable about the patient vinedresser in Luke 13:6-9, is one of my favorites. Here, our heavenly Father is described as one who has true expectations for our life, is proactive in cultivating our fruitfulness, and is uncommonly patient with that to which He tends so devoutly attends.

Not only does Jesus’ parable reveal to us the nature of our Father’s expectations towards us, but also a revelation of our expectations towards one another. So, this week, let’s praise the Vinedresser and pray that we might be more like Him towards those “fig trees” in our lives—including ourselves!

Let us pray together this prayer, adapted from the Tell It Slant Study Guide.

Father, how can you be so patient? So patient with right expectations for Your creation and for Your children to bear fruit though no fruit is being produced.

Thank you that you do not quickly give up on us, but attend to the soil of our lives so that your seed might produce the expected bounty.

Help us, patient and gracious Vinedressor, to be as caring as You towards those in our lives who seem to be bearing no fruit—our family, our friends, our co-workers, and neighbors. Let our right expectations for Your seed, what You have planted in them, be met with a the patience and willingness to labor that You show us.

May Your loving patience and tender care produce fruit that last—in our lives and those aroud us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.