
What does God expect from a life of faithfulness, a life lived in communion with Him? It seems, as Jesus showed us in Luke 14:1-24, that he expects us to share with others what we have received from Him: hospitality. He expects us to extend the dignity, rest, and provision of relationship offered to those who need it and are willing to receive it.

Whether we find ourselves as ones in need of such hospitality today, or having received it ourselves and now in a position to re-gift our blessing, let us pray together these words adapted from the Tell It Slant Study Guide.

Gracious Father, Giving Son, Guiding Spirit, you have invited us into relationship with you, preparing a feast and home for us with you. In the ultimate act of hospitality—elevating our dignity, securing the rest of sure identity and forever provision—you have adopted us as your own children. Out of gratitude toward you, let us be invitaional toward others, extending and re-gifting the same kind of hospitality that you have extended to us in Jesus. Amen.